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"Stop! Do what you want but don't you dare touch my daughter."

"Dad?" Othello whimpered confused.

~ five years ago ~

Nathaniel walked in the place that Lucifer is staying.

"Kid? Where are you?" He called out but got no response.

He walked around the living room and in the kitchen. He didn't bother going in her room because she normally never goes in there. He assumed that she was just outside so he sat down on the couch, waiting for her to get back.

A few minutes go by and then he heard a groan from the room. He stood up, confused, and walked towards and in the room. He gasped at the sight. Lucifer laid on the bed with a large gash on her face, one that started at the top of her eyebrow and ended at her lip, of course you couldn't really see it for as much blood she was losing. 

"Damn it Lucifer!"  He grabbed his phone as he ran over to her and called the doctor.  "Get me a doctor at Lucifer place."  He snapped at the phone. 

On the other end of the phone, right outside, his second in command, Jax smirked.  He snapped his fingers and the lady that was with him walked in the house and went right back to the same room she just came from. Lucifer could make out a figure standing in the doorway and started to point lazily.  Nathaniel snapping his head to where it looked like she was pointing.

"How the hell did you get here so fast, actually never mind it doesn't matter.  Help her!"  The lady started to walk towards Lucifer,  when she finally came in her view Lucifer started to try and get up to get away.

"Lucifer let her help you." Nathaniel told her.

"Bad." Lucifer got out and the ladies eyes widened.

"Hun, I don't know you. I'm not bad." The lady giggled.

"Bad!"  She yelled, trying to tell Nathaniel while shes almost bleeding out.  The lady's face turned dark and pulled a syringe out of her bag and plunged it into Nathaniel neck making him fall to the ground unconscious and then turned to Lucifer.

"Shut the fuck up you bitch."  She grabbed another syringe and plunged it into Lucifer thigh.  Both Nathaniel and Lucifer laid unconscious.  Jax, the second in command, walked into the room with two people following him.

"Take Nathaniel to the warehouse."  He snapped.  "Make sure he doesn't get out.  Also fix up the bitch, it's not her time yet."  He smirked.  The two men grabbed Nathaniel and tied him at the ankles and wrist while the lady walked over to Lucifer and stitched up and cleaned her face.  Jax dismissed all of them and brought out his phone and clicked on Dominics contact.


"Dominic! Thank god you answered, I think something happened to your dad. Get to Lucifer house. Something happened!" Jax told him in fake panic.

"What!?  What happened?"  Dominic yelled as he stood up and rushed out to his car and started to drive to the house.

"I'll tell you what I know when you get here."  Jax said as he hung up the phone.  Dominic rushed to get to the location around fifteen minutes he arrived and jumped out of the car not even bothering to turn it off.

"Dominic in here!"  Jax called from Lucifer room.

"What the hell happened?"  Dominic asked Lucifer still stayed on the bed unconscious with the stitches on her face.

She had changed since the last time Dominic saw her.  She had more tattoos and more muscles and shorter hair. She also didn't have a face full of stitches but you know.

"I'm not sure. Your father texted me earlier and said he was going to Lucifers and then I told him to tell me when he gets there and he never answered.  So I came up here to make sure he was okay and the door and busted open and Lucifer was like this."  Jax said in a very convenience voice.  Before either one of them could speak they heard a groan coming from the bed.

"Lucifer, what the fuck happened!?"  Dominic asked her in a panic.  She blinked and then her eyes landed on Dominic.

"I- I can't remember..."


They dragged Nathaniel into the warehouse and chained him to the wall and Luke walked towards him with a bucket of water.  When they got him chained he threw the bucket on him and yelled in his ear.

"Wakey wakey you motherfucker!"

"Who the fuck are you!?"  Nathaniel asked with clenched teeth, trying to free himself from the chains.

"Oh, little old me?  I'm Luke, Millys biological father."

"Damn I already hate you.  She told me how you treated her like shit and abused her.  She told me how you killed her little brother too."

"She's still on the little pussy?"  Luke asked rolling his eyes.

"He was her brother, your son!"  He yelled at him. 

"Whatever, I have to say lovely acting off your second in command.  He was very convincing right?  I mean you didn't see anything wrong with him.  We worked together for about 2 years."  Luke smirked.

"When I get out of here I swear to whoever the higher power is that I will kill you."

"Oh, don't you know?  I am the higher power, I am god."

"I thought you were Luke?"  Nathaniel asked sarcastically with a smirk on his face making Luke smack him.  "Rude bitch."  Nathaniel muttered under his breath.

~ two weeks ago ~

Luke walked into the hall way with Nathaniel and dragged him up by his hair.

"We have a very, very special guest coming to stay with us for a while." Luke smirked.  Nathaniel looked at him bored.

"And I actually get to meet this one?"  Through out the five years he had been there all they did was slap him around at least once a day and starve him.

"Oh, I'm sure you'll love this one. You just don't get to meet her yet. Does the name Othello ring any bells?"

~ The day Lucifer got kidnapped ~

Nathaniel was woken up by a bucket of water being thrown on his head.  "What the fuck is up with you guys and waking me up with water!?" He snapped.

"Let's go see someone. Luke wants you to see some people."

The man dragged him up by the arm and started to drag him to the cells. He could faintly hear the pleading of a girl to let her go. He walked in and could finally hear and see the girl clearly and wasted no time in yelling.

"Stop! Do what you want but don't you dare touch my daughter."

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now