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The next day Lucifer pulled up to where the the warehouse that belong to the American mafia was and got out.  She walked up to the door of the warehouse and opened it.  She saw multiple people sitting on couch's and as she walked in they looked at her before turning away.  Her eyes scanned the room before stopping on someone new.  Her eyes held confusion but walked to Dominic's office anyway.

"Ell, I promise she's nice.  Look there she is."  She heard Dominic say as she entered the room.

"Why can't I stay at home bubba?"  Othello asked her older brother, frustrated not understanding.

"Because I said Othello.  We had this discussion last night and this morning." Lucifer walked towards the chair across from his desk and right next to Othello.

"I'm still going to be able to call you right?"

"Yes sweetheart, I promise just because Lucifer looks all scary and mean doesn't mean she's actually that way." Lucifer scoffed and Dominic shot her a look.  Othello turned her head to look at Lucifer.  She took in the tattoos on her hands and the small ones on peeking out her shirt and on her neck.  She took in her short hair and sharp jaw and the scar that was on her face.  Othello stood up and stood in front of her.

Othello slowly reached out to Lucifers that was resting on her knee.  Othello took Lucifers hand in hers and while she felt rough, callous hands.  Lucifer felt the exact opposite, soft, gentle hands, yet their hands fit perfectly together like a piece of a puzzle that only needed one more piece. 

Suddenly Othello jumped in Lucifers lap and her butt landed in Lucifers crotch area earning a grunt from Lucifer.  Dominic watched the whole thing play out with amusement dancing in his eyes.  He looked at Lucifers shocked face and bursted out laughing.  Once he finally sobered up he finally asked.

"Ell what are you doing?" She ignored her brother and got herself situated on Lucifer's lap.

While Lucifer is wearing similar clothing as last night Othello is wear a baby pink skirt that stopped about mid thigh with a white tank top and a wool sweater.  When she jumped up on Lucifers lap her skirt came up a little and exposed more of her thighs.  Lucifers hand that wasn't holding onto Othello reached out and fixed the skirt as Othello leaned her back into Lucifers chest.

Dominic watched as Lucifer didn't complain about their seating arrangement in amazement seeing as Lucifer hates when people even come near her, let alone touch her. Just as she was about to answer the door swung open as Cyrus, Dominics best friend and second in command, entered the room. Othello turned her head and smiled at him but Lucifer kept looking at Dominic. Just as he was about to speak he stopped and stared at the sight in front of him. I mean who wouldn't? A angel sitting in the devil's lap.

His eyes snapped up to Dominic to confirm that he's seeing what he's seeing. Dominic only nodded his head. Cyrus walked over to the seat that Othello abandoned a moment ago and slowly sat down still eyeing the couple confused.

"Am I missing something?" He asked them.

"The same thing I am I guess, but anyway what's up?" Dominic said.

"Oh right, well the new guy, Antonio or whatever his name is, wanted to talk with you. I'm not sure about what though."

"I'll talk to him later, it's time to start training. Othello get off Lucifers lap she needs to go."

Othellos eyes snapped up to Dominics from where they were playing with Lucifers rings on her fingers while Lucifer was staring at her, letting her play with them.

"What for?" She asked.  Before Dominic could reply Cyrus answered.

"Dom, don't you think she can skip out on a day of training, look at her she's mostly going to train after we finish like normal." He stood up and walked behind Doms desk and spoke softly. "Also I wanna see what the hell happens next. I mean this is our Lucifer right?"

Dominic nodded his head, "Then tell the new kid to come in here, he might as well meet Lucifer now."

Cyrus walked out and Dominic spoke again.

"Okay let's try again, why did you sit in her lap?"  She stopped what she was doing and looked at her brother but said nothing yet again and went back to playing with Lucifers rings when the door opened again.

"Mr. Blue, I wanted to talk to you." Antonio said as soon as he entered the office without knocking and caring who's inside.

"You were supposed to knock. Go back and try again." Cyrus said walking in behind him, glaring.

Othello leaned her head back on Lucifers shoulder closing her eyes feeling herself grow tired from the safeness she felt in Lucifer's lap. After trying again Cyrus stood beside Dominic leaving the empty chair available for Antonio. He sat down and stared at Lucifer and Othello, his eyes landing in Othello and all three beside Othello herself caught him. He opened his mouth to speak but quickly shut it when he received a glare from Lucifer, Dominic, and Cyprus. He quickly shut his mouth and turned his attention back to Dominic.

"I want to meet Lucifer." The two friends looked at each other, then looked back at Antonio before Cyrus spoke.


"Because he should know that he's not that scary and I can kick his ass no matter what." He said.  The two boys started to laugh.

"Oh really?"


"Well, Antonio, meet Lucifer." Dominic said holding in hand out to her.

His eyes moved to her and his eyes widened slightly before he cleared his throat. "That's her?  Please I can kick her ass, she's a woman!" Antonio turned the face her clearly before continuing he snapped his fingers in Lucifer's face waking Othello up.  Him waking Othello up didn't go unnoticed by her.  "Go be a good bitch and go get me something to eat."

Their eyes widened as Lucifers eyes remained calm. Cyrus slowly moved forward and spoke to Othello who was rubbing her eyes like she was attempting to rub the sleepiness away.

"Othello honey, we really need you to leave we don't need you to see what's about to happen."  Cyrus said and had Othello stand up off of Lucifers lap, still holding onto her hands. Lucifers thumb moved up and down Othellos hand and Othello slowly let go.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." She said.

As she walked out the door and they heard it shut Lucifer stood up slowly and towered over him. He got a clear look at her face and his became a shade paler.

"It was in this moment, he knew, he fucked up." Cyrus said.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now