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• there will be some blood mentions and torture in this chapter, I don't go in much detail just thought I would put it in just in case•

As Lucifer towered over him he made eye contact with her and shuddered. Her right eye was a dark brown almost black but her left eye from the scar is almost completely white. The scar going down her face made her look even more terrifying than she is.  However, nothing could be as scary as the thoughts running in circles around her head.

"Antonio. If you truly were smart you would have known better then to insult someone, if you had any brain cells you should know never to insult her. So any last question before I let Lucifer have her way with you?" Dominic spoke.

Antonio was quiet for a minute before asking the dumbest question alive.

"Yeah, who was the whore that was on her lap."

Dominic stood up from behind his desk and before her could even say anything he found Lucifers hand wrapped around Antonio's neck, choking him.

"Excuse me!?!" He screamed. "That was my sister! Take him to the basement, now. May Lucifer have no mercy on your soul."

The last sentence was all it took for Lucifer to tighten her grip on his neck and dragged him out of the office. The people who stood outside the office looked up at the door and saw an angry Lucifer with an angry Cyrus and Dominic standing by the door frame. They all knew what Dominic said, 'may Lucifer have no mercy on your soul.'

The sentence that should sent satan themselves into a panic. Lucifer has no sympathy and once Dominic speaks those words, the soul simply becomes Lucifers play things. She can do whatever she wants to them, scar them how she seems fit.

She loves hearing the pain of her victims, she loves seeing herself covered in their blood and sometimes the taste of it. She loves hearing the knife rip across their skin or their skin falling to the cold, blood covered ground. She loves hearing the chains rattle as she's putting her victims in place. She loves hearing them rattle as the poor victim try's to get them loose and run. Sometimes she won't do that. She'll lock the door to the basement and chase them around, like a game of cat and mouse, predator and prey. Because what prey sits and waits to be eaten by their predator. That's how she knows when to stop, is when her prey stops moving and begging to be let go.

As they move closer towards the basement Antonio can read a plaque that was hung above the door that said 'abandoned all hope, ye who enter here'.  If it was possible he became even more frightened.  The door swung open and he could see the the dried blood on the cement floor, the rustic chains that were on the wall and down what looked like a hall that held cell doors and the bloody knifes the hung on the walls.

Lucifer threw Antonio on the ground near the chains and he spoke frightened.

"Please, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

Lucifer did nothing but smirked at him and pulled the chains down so she could connect them with his wrist.  Dominic walked in and smiled at the sight.

"Lucifer doesn't talk Antonio, but do you think you can tell me your mistakes that you made?"  He asked him is a cold voice.

As Lucifer chained his wrist Antonio spoke is a small voice, "I...I offended Lucifer and her girlfriend, your sister.  And I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! Please you gotta let me go! I gotta family!"

Dominic didn't bother to correct him about Othello just being his sister and not Lucifers girlfriend, but Lucifer was tired of his blubbering and punched him in the face. The satisfaction of a crunch in the nose earned a sickening smirk from Lucifer.

"Well Lucifer I need to go make sure my sister is okay, have fun." Dominic said and turned on his heel as Lucifer nodded her head.

As Dominic left he heard the screams coming from Antonio and the cold laugher coming from Lucifer. He walked out into the main part of the building and his eyes landed on his little sister crying into Cyrus chest.

"What the hell happened, why is she crying?" Dominic asked and he run up to the two.

"Dom, where did Lu go?" His sister asked still crying.

"Ell who is Lu?"  Before the poor girl could speak again Cyrus answered.

"Lucifer, Othello thinks Lucifer left her."

"Baby you just met her, why do you care if she left?" Dominic asked as he started to take her back to his office.  She just shook her head while trying to calm herself down.  She handed something to her brother with tear stained cheeks, a ring. The ring was a simple masculine wedding band. To most is was a ring, but to Dominic he knew how important to Lucifer.

"Does she know you have this?"

"Yeah...when I was sitting on her lap she saw me take it off and play with it and then when I got off she saw it in my hand and didn't say anything."

"Cyrus can you go and get Lucifer."  Dominic said with a deep sigh.  Cyrus nodded his head walked out of the office and towards the basement.  From outside the door you could clearly hear the cries and pleads from Lucifers victim.  He opened the door and the sight in front of him would make someone faint or pee their pants out of fear.

She was standing there, blood covered her clothes and below her was Antonio who was missing teeth and fingers with the chains discarded seeing as his legs were broken.  She held a whip in her hand and his shirt was thrown somewhere.  She heard the door open and looked over her shoulder and Cyrus spoke.

"Boss needs you.  You want me to put him in a cell or end him now?"

She pointed over to the cells and he nodded his head.  She put the whip down and started walking towards the door and Cyrus walked towards the body off Antonio.  She walked out and went towards Dominics office and knocked on the door when she heard crying. The door swung open and Dominic took in her appearance and his eyes widened.

"Is he dead?"

"Not yet." She muttered to him.

Hearing Dominics voice Othellos head snapped up and saw the tall figure she had been crying about. She stood up and ran into her arms not noticing the blood that was in Lucifer clothes.  Lucifers hand went up to her face and wiped the stray tears on Othellos face.  Othello looked at Lucifers shirt and jumped out of her arms.

"Are you okay Lu?  Are you hurt?"

Lucifer looked down at Othello and her eyes softened.  Dominic who was already shocked had his eyebrows raised high, and if they could go any higher they would with what happened next.

"Je vais bien, chérie."  Lucifer whispered in her ear.
(I'm fine, sweetheart.)

If you're wondering about the language was French!

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