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Lucifer leaned back up and looked at Othello.

"What language was that?"  She asked.

"French."  Lucifer answered.  Dominic watched the two in amazement, and curiosity.

"Can you speak any other language?"  Othello asked excitedly.

"Yes, I can speak Italian."  Othello grabbed Lucifers hand and dragged her over to a chair, her tears forgotten.  Lucifer sat in the chair and Othello found her spot back in Lucifers lap, ignoring the blood on her clothes.

"Hold up, am I missing something?  First you let her touch you then you talk to her and then Othello you're more worried about if she hurt herself more than if she hurt someone else!?  Aren't you scared?"  Dominic exclaimed.

"Why would I be scared Dom?  She hasn't hurt me or given me a reason to be scared.  Her embrace is comforting."  He looked at Lucifer waiting for her answer but she just shrugged her shoulders and turned her head back.  "Lu, you should go shower, you stink."  Othello giggled.  "Are we going back to your house now?  I already have my bags ready he said I needed them because I was going home with you today."

Lucifer nodded her head and Othello stood up, her and Lucifers hands still being held together. When Lucifer stood up the door opened up to reveal Cyrus walking in the room and his eyes stopping at Lucifer and Othello. He looked at Dominic in confusion.

"Are you going with us Cy?" Othello asked him.


"Me and Lu are going to Lu's house!"

"No I need to stay here to make sure everyone is doing what they need to be doing." He told her as she nodded her head. 

"Ok Ell you can ride with me cause we need to talk in the car."  Dominic said.  She looked up at him and then back at Lucifer.

"Can't we all ride together?"  She asked.

"No, our car can't fit 3 people and your bags."  He told her.

"Oh." She mumbled sadly.

"Come on, let Lucifer go home. I need to do something and then we'll go to her house."  She nodded her head and gave Lucifer a hug before letting her go.

"See you soon Lu!"

Lucifer nodded her head in response and walked out back to her car.

"Ell can you go and get in the car, I'll be there in a minute." Dominic asked her, she nodded her head and he turned towards Cyrus. "Dude was I the only one who saw what just happened?"

"Thank god someone else saw it. What the hell, I thought Lucifer didn't have a heart?"

"Nah I knew she had a heart but still man, she spoke to her! I mean I have no idea what she said to her cause it was is French, and apparently she can also speak Italian. She wasn't even scared when she saw her clothes, she just asked if she was okay!"

"She willingly spoke to her!?"  Cyrus cut him off is disbelief.

"Yes!" Cyrus paused for a moment before speaking.

"I ship them."


"What? Think about it, it can be like a cliché story where the bad guy falls in love with the innocence girl but instead of it being a bad guy it's just a really scary female who enjoys hurting people." Cyrus shrugged.

"Okay but that's my baby sister plus Lucifer is like 27 and Othello is only 18."

"Dude calm down, you're father trusted Lucifer and you trust her. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't. You and I both know that deep down Lucifer is probably just a big teddy bear, and it might just be that she's Ell's teddy bear. Come on man have you ever seen her act like that with anyone else?"

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now