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The next morning Lucifer woke up to the annoying sound of her alarm clock screaming in her ear.  She turned it off and then sat up and sat at the edge of the bed.  She rubbed her eyes and walked into her bathroom and took a quick shower and then changed into a pair of ripped jeans, black tshirt and her leather jacket with her combat boots. She walked out of her bedroom and into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee.

She walked back in the living room to turn on the news on low volume, seeing as Othello was still sleeping down the hall. A few moments later she heard the coffee pot beep and went back in and poured a cup for herself and still left enough if Othello wanted some. She was down at the head of the table with her hands on her coffee cup as Othello walked out of her room with her bear safely tucked under her arm.

"Good morning Lu." She mumbled tiredly trying to rub the sleepiness out of her eyes and Lucifer simply tipped her head down.

Her soft little feet patted on the cold floor and moved to were the older and larger woman sat at the table. Othello gently pushed Lucifer left arm away from the cup and crawled into her lap and tucked her head under Lucifers chin. Saying nothing Lucifer brought the cup of hot, black coffee up to her lips and took a sip letting the hot liquid run down her throat.

Othello sat in her lap with her legs pulled up to her own chest and her head tucked under Lucifers chin. She closed her eyes and slowly welcome in the warmth of Lucifer as the News from the tv played in the background.

After Lucifer was done with her coffee she could faintly hear the soft snores coming from the little one that was asleep in her lap. She looked at the clock that hung in the kitchen wall and saw that she needed to get to the warehouse soon. Her rough and callous hand softly rubbed Othello back and whispered in her ear.

"Time to get up petite."


"Oui, maintenant." Othello eyes fluttered open and looked up at Lucifer.
(Yes, now.)

"Don't tell me to get up in another language." Othello said making Lucifer roll her eyes.

"It's time to get dressed. We need to go see your brother."

"Okay." She stood from her lap and saw that she was already dressed. "How long were you up for?"

"An hour or two before you were." She responded standing up and walking out of the kitchen and into her bedroom.

Othello walked into her room and picked out a matching set of white lace panties and a white lace bralette. She picked out a pair of washed out blue shorts the reached her mid thigh but couldn't decide on a top.

"I bet Lu has shirts that I could borrow." She mumbled to herself. "Friends let friends borrow each other's clothes right?"

She walked out of her room and went up to Lucifers door and knocked, not bothering to put a shirt on.

"Dove diavolo è la tua maglietta !?" Lucifer asked as soon as she opened her door.
(Where the hell is your shirt!?)

"May I look in your closet and borrow a shirt?"  She asked ignoring Lucifers question.

Lucifer rolled her eyes before moving to the side allowing the smaller girl in.  Othello walked straight to the closet and opened the doors before scanning over the outfits.  It went from: dress shirts, dress coats, flannels, zip up jackets, and then hoodies.  Her eyes scanned over the flannels but didn't find anything, she did the same with the zip up jackets and hoodies before her eyes stopped on a black hoodie.  She reached up for it and took it off the hanger before slipping it over her head.  It stopped at her mid thigh and dangled off her hands.  She smiled and walk out of the closet and saw Lucifer sitting on the bed.

"Are you ready to go?"  She asked Othello and she just nodded her head.

Walking into the living room Othello grabbed the book she was reading last night and then followed Lucifer out to the car. The two sat in silence on the way to the warehouse. Pulling in Othello smiled at the thought of seeing her brother, but Lucifer face got colder at the thought of having to deal with idiots.

Lucifer opened her door and climbed out. She turned her head and noticed Othello still sitting in the car, now pouting, she walked over to the passenger side door and opened it and looked down, raising an eyebrow at Othello.

"I can't get the seatbelt thing undone." Othello pouted.

Lucifer bent down and in one swift motion she undid the seatbelt and then Othello stopped Lucifer hand from crossing her arms. She intertwined their fingers together and swung their arms back and forth softly.  They walked into the doors of the warehouse and everyone who was waiting around turned their hands towards the door.

All of their eyes widen, wouldn't yours widen too?  Imagine seeing someone who was as scary as hell and someone who looked like an angel hold hands.  Dominic walked out of his office and his eyes scanned over the room seeing everything looking at something.

"Dom!"  Othello called out when she saw her brother, she pulled on Lucifers hand dragging her to follower her.  "Come on Lu."

All three of them walked into Dominics office and Lucifers eyes scanned around the room making sure nothing was out of place. Othello ran up to Cyrus who was standing by the desk and was looking at some paper.

"Hey sweetheart! Wait who's sweatshirt is that?" He asked.

"Oh it's Lu's. She let me borrow it." The two males looked at each other in shock before shaking their head.

"Hey Othello Miss Lee just texted me and told me she was outside.  While Lucifer is working here you're going to go hang out with her in the other room, it's already set up so you two will be comfortable okay?"  Dominic spoke.  Miss Lee was a woman who's been working with the Blue family since Dominic was just a child.

"Okay Bubba.  See you guys later."  She let go of Lucifers hand and then gave her a quick hug before give one to Dominic and Cyrus  and then walked out of the office.

"Okay, let's get to work to find out who the hell is threatening my sister."  Dominic said with a dark voice.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now