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The three of them sat around the office, Dominic behind his desk Cyrus sitting in a chair in front of them and then Lucifer standing by the door.

"Okay so, here is what we have so far.  Our guess is that some little gangs that are trying to get started found out that I have a sister and wanted to threaten us."  Dominic spoke. "The only clue we have to go on right now is the slip of paper that was given to me.  I hate this, I hate this so much, this is my baby sister I should be able to protect her but I can't.  My father trusted me to take care of my sister and I'm not doing it."

"Hey calm down Dom, we're going to find out who's threatening us.  Your sister is in good hands.  She's literally got the scariest bitch alive wrapped around her finger,"  Lucifer glared at him and he shuddered,  "no offense, it's true.  She's gonna be fine, she's in the building and sleeping in the middle of the woods somewhere that only a small handful of trusted people know about."

Lucifer grabbed a piece of paper and wrote, "trust us, we will find out who's fucking with your sister.  Who dropped off the note?"

"That's the thing, when I asked the maid who dropped it off they just said that it was in the mailbox.  Not one of my security saw anything suspicious so they didn't say anything."  Dominic spoke running his hand down his face.

"Was it just a normal person or was it someone from the post office who dropped it off?" Cyrus asked as Lucifer nodded, wanted to know the answer to that question as well.

"According to them it was the post office."

For the next few hours they all sat in the office going over who could be doing this. The door to Dominic office suddenly opened and in walked Othello who still had Lucifers sweatshirt on.

"Bubba! Lu!" She cried, as tears were streamed down her face.

Dominic and Lucifer both stood up from where they sat and walked over to her. Othellos arms wrapped around Lucifers body and latched on to her.

"Hey, what's wrong Ell?"  Dominic asked in a panic.

"Some- some mean people- people came- and and and."  Othello tried to get out but stutter seeing as she was still crying.

"Shhh."  Lucifer mumbled rubbing Othellos back

Cyrus looked at Lucifer in shock hearing the woman's raspy voice for the first time and he stood up from his seat.  "I'm gonna go and ask Miss Lee."  He said and Dominic nodded his head.

Lucifer bent down and scooped Othello in her arm causing Othello to wrap her legs around Lucifer waist and her arms to wrap around her neck and Dominic looked at his little sister in worry.  Othello tucked head into Lucifer neck still crying.  A few minutes later Othello had calmed down still in Lucifers arm and Cyrus came back in.  He stopped at the sight and looked at Othello sympathetically.

"So apparently she had a nightmare where bad people came and took Lucifer away from her and hurt her."

"Ell, Lucifer is still here it's okay..."  Dominic spoke softly. Othello brought her head from Lucifers neck and spoke.

"They were bad people dom, they looked mean and hurt Lu-"

"But look Lucifer is perfectly fine." Cyrus spoke softly cutting her off.

"Boss!" A man came in the office slamming the door open his eyes landed on Lucifers and his face paled slightly. "And- and Lucifer. I'm sorry I know I should have knocked but this just came and I think you should see it."

"What is it. Cant you see we're busy here?" Dominic snapped.

The man handed over the envelope to Him.  Lucifer still holding Othello, Lucifer eyed the man as his eyes landed on Othello causing her to glared at him. His eyes widened and he paled even more.

"I- I- I need- need to- to go." He stuttered out.

"Stop."  Dominic spoke.  "Where did you get this envelope?" 

"It was-"  his eyes cast to Lucifers face, who was already glaring at him causing him to freeze up.

"Stop looking at Lucifer, I'm the one who asked the question not her!"  Dominic yelled.

"I- I'm not sure sir.  It was outside."

"Why we're you outside, everyone beside the guards should be in the training room."  Cyrus spoke up.

"I was late, I apologize."

"Whatever. Get out of my office." Dominic said. The guy walked out of the office accidentally slamming the door causing Othello to jump at the sudden loud noise.

"Lu can we go back to your house now?" Othello whispered and Lucifer nodded her head.

"We might stop by later, we need to talk about what just happened." Dominic told Lucifer. Lucifer walked out of the office with Othello still in her arms and Dominic turned to Cyrus.

"She actually spoke...she lesbian, apparently has a deep voice, can speak Italian and French, has tattoos, is tall, and let's be honest even though she's scary as hell she's hot. And her name is literally Lucifer!" Cyrus said. "Othello is bi, has a normal voice, can be somewhat childish not really, can't speak any other language, doesn't have tattoos, is short, and adorable. There perfect for each other."

"No. Lucifer is scary and mean and likes to torture people. Othello is adorable and nice and likes to bake. They're not perfect for each other, they're polar opposites!" Dominic fussed.

"You know what they say: 'opposites attract.'"


"Shut up bitch. I ship them." Dominic stopped talking but rolled his eyes.


Lucifer and Othello soon walked into Lucifer's home. Lucifer closed and locked the door as Othello set her bag down on the coffee table in the living room. Othello stood still as she watched Lucifer walk down the hall to her room. Lately she couldn't describe what she was feeling, both sexually and romantically. She knew she felt attraction towards Lucifer, just didn't know how exactly to say it. Maybe, just maybe, she didn't need to say anything.

Othello quickly walked to her room and she quietly shut the door an idea popped in her head and she quickly shook it away. She bit the inside of her cheek in thought. She wanted to do this, if Lucifer didn't want to that's okay, she would go back to her room and completely ignore it. Othello took a deep breath as she slowly slid off her pants, then shirt leaving her in a simple bra and underwear. She went to her bag under her bed and slipped out of the undergarments she was originally wearing and put on a white lacy bra, and then a white thong.

"Ugh, these things are so uncomfortable." She mumbled to herself as she situated herself in the mirror. She turned around to walk out her her room but froze in shock after letting out a gasp. There Lucifer stood in her doorway. Lucifer's eyes were hooded in both lust and love. She walked towards Othello who was now trying to blink away the shock. "L-Lucifer-" however she was quickly cut off my Lucifer bending down and kisses Othello. Their lips moved against each others. Lucifer's hands picked Othello up by her thighs not once breaking the kiss they were sharing between them.  Suddenly a knock was on Othellos bedroom door.

"El?  Are you okay love?"

"Yeah, I'm good I'll be out in a minute Lu."  She said as she roughly blinked her eyes realizing that she was standing in front of her mirror in the lingerie she put on but her imagination had started to drift out. "That was embarrassing..."  she mumbled to herself as she threw on a shirt and some jeans.

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