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Othello woke up and looked at her surroundings and saw she was in her room at Lucifers house. She stood up from the bed and walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the bar.

Some lunch is in the microwave. I'm upstairs if it's an emergency, if someone knocks don't answer it. Your brother and Cyrus should be here soon.
~ Lucifer

She placed the note back on the bar and went to the microwave to heat up her plate. After she ate she stood up and sat down in the living room and turned on the scrolled through the channels on the tv.  She found a cartoon that she liked and sat down watching it, waiting for Lucifer to come down. 

Around two hours later she heard someone walking downstairs.  Her eyes moved towards Lucifer who was wearing a black sports bra and grey sweatpants that outlined her 'friend' easily.  Othellos eyes scanned over her body as a blush rose up to her cheeks.

"Hi Lu!"  She said ignoring her own blush and Lucifer just nodded her head. 

As Lucifer was about to head into her room she heard a knock at the door.

"Lucifer?  Hey it's Dominic and Cyrus, let us in!"  Dominic shouted.

She opened the door and Dominic barged in causing her to roll her eyes. Cyrus walked in after him and mumbled a thanks.

"Hey bubba and Cyrus!"

"Hey El!"  They both said.

Dominic and Lucifer all walked into the kitchen and stood at the counter while Cyrus stayed in the living room with Othello.

"So, here is the letter that that kid brought in earlier." Dominic said in a hushed voice as he handed the letter over to Lucifer.

What a shame, what a shame. That darling Othello looked quite beautiful when she slept in her room. My favorite pajama set that she slept in was the light pink crop top and shorts. They were silk right? Now you have her moved but don't worry I find where she went. Othello belongs to me Dominic. You were born with a silver spoon in your goddamn mouth, didn't work a day in your life. Your time will come, you'll suffer the same fate as your old man. You will all bow to me one day, it might be tomorrow, it might not, but it will be one day.
~ anon

Lucifer had her jaw clenched and her her fist was in a tight fist. She was livid.

"Yeah, Lucifer, that son of a bitch watched my little sister as she slept in her room. Her room is on the second floor. They knew what fabric her pajamas were." He said.

"Who gave you this again, what was his name?"
Lucifer asked.

"I'm not sure.  You were there when he gave it to us."

"Yeah but if he saw the letter the guards would have most definitely seen it before him.  I'm confused on why he had it."  Lucifer told him.

"Yeah Cyrus and I was wondering that too.  Why don't you talk to anyone else besides us?"

"You know why."

"Yeah I know, but anyway, you don't think that he's a part of that little group do you?"

"It could be a possibility. Let's leave him alone for now, if he is apart of them he might have just joined or he doesn't know much because of his excuse on why and how he had the letter." Dominic nodded in agreement.

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now