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~ eight years ago~

Nathaniel Ray: the American mafia leader, a father, a husband, and a lot more.  He sat down at his desk in hes home when his office door opened to reveal his 10 year old daughter.

"Hi dad!"  She smiled.

"Hello darling."  He smiled softly at her.

"Dad, guess what!"


"Mom said that if I finish my homework than I can help her bake cookies later." Young Othello smiled.

"That sounds amazing El, say where is your mom?"

"Shes in the living room.  I need to go and finish my homework.  Love you!"

"Alright darling, love you too."  He smiled at her. 
Othello ran out of the office and Nathaniel walked out.  He walked towards the living room and found his wife curled on the couch with a blanket  across her lap and a book in her hands.

"Hi sweetie."  He told her, making his presents known.

His wife looked up from the book she was reading and smiled at him.

"Hi, are you ready to go visit her?"


She stood up and draped the blanket over the back of the couch and placed a bookmark in the book.  She grabbed her bag and slipped her shoes on.  Before they could leave Dominic walked down the stairs.

"Where are you guys going?"  He asked.

"Don't worry about it honey, well be back in about five hours."  His mother smiled.

"When you get older I'll tell you."  His father smiled.

"Daddd, I'm 17 how much older do I need to be." He pouted and whined.

"Don't pout." His mother giggled. "You'll find out when you need to."  The two of them walked out of the house and towards the car that was waiting for them. They sat down and Nathaniel looked at the driver and spoke.

"To Hell please."  The drive to the secluded location was peaceful, with small talk between Nathaniel and his wife.  They pulled into the driveway of the 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and one floor house, and the couple stepped out of the car.  They walked up to the front door and opened it.  Nathaniel wife walked in and looked at the sleeping figure on the couch.

"Lucifer, sweetie wake up."  She smiled as she tapped her shoulder.  The taller 18 year old suddenly jumped up of the couch and stared at the older woman.

"Hey kid."  Nathaniel smiled.  "How are you doing today?"

"Uh fine, I did a new painting."  She smiled and walked  over towards a chair that sat in the corner of the small living room and pulled out a canvas.  The canvas had a painting of a waterfall, the colors blended so well together it almost looked like photography piece.

"That's amazing sweetie."  The older woman beamed.

"Thank you."  Lucifer smiled softly.  "So are we going to train today?"

"Yes we are so go change and get your ass in the car."  Nathaniel told her.  She walked off to the room and slipped on a pair of gym shorts and a tank top.  Her eyes flickered down to her wrist where the initials B.C. rested.  She shook her head and then walked out of the room.

"Ok I'm ready." She told them.  They all walked out to the car and headed to the warehouse. The warehouse was always empty on this day. Nathaniel decided that he would keep Lucifer a secret to the mafia until it was necessary for them to know about her. They all walked in and headed for the gym. They all walked in and then froze.  There Dominic was with a girl from his school on the training mats making out.

"Dominic!" His mother shouted causing the two of them to separate.

"Mom!?" He said flustered. He and the girl stood up and fumbled around.  The girl ran off and exited the warehouse and Dominic just stared at the ground with his face flushed.

"What the hell were you thinking Dominic?"  His father asked rhetorically.  "Where is your sister, who is she with, does she even know you're not at home?"

"No, I didn't know this is where you came."  He told his parents.  He looked up to meet his parents glare and the look of confusion on Lucifer.  "Who is that?"  His father sighed.

"Dominic, meet Lucifer. Lucifer meet Dominic. My son who is also the next leader." Nathaniel said.  Lucifer stared at the boy in front of her silently.  Dominic looked at the taller female in front of him.  The girl back then didn't live up to her name.  She still stood at the height of 6'6 and the scar that ran down her face, but that's the only thing that would be intimidating.  She had long black hair and a lanky with little muscle build.  She only had a handful of tattoos that was scattered on her body.

"And who is Lucifer, dad?"  Dominic asked.

"Our weapon."  He smiled.  Before Dominic could speak his mother interrupted.


"Yes sweetie?"


That one word was enough for everyone to freeze, the red dot. The red dot is typically only shown when the sniper wants to audience to know who their shooting at, they want to see the fear on the audience faces. And the red dot was placed on her chest right above her heart. Suddenly their was another that appeared on her forehead. The air thick. Nathaniel jumped in front of her but it was to late. She fell to the floor with blood seeping out of 2 holes, her chest and heart.

"Mom!!" Dominic screamed.  Nathaniel dropped to his knees and Lucifers eyes darted around looking around to see where the red dot would have come from. She saw a window that was opened and bolted toward the window. She jumped out of it and looked around.

'Where the hell did that come from, look at your surroundings. High up, where is high up?' Lucifer thought to herself. 'Trees.'

She ran towards them and looked up, her eyes scanning for any movement, her ears listening for anything, suddenly she's sees it.  In the largest tree in a low branch there's leaf's but in one patch the 'leafs' are different.  She walked towards them and yanked them down.  She dragged them by the scruff of their neck to the warehouse.  She slammed the door open and pulled them into the cell.

Dominic and Nathaniel hovered over their mothers and wife's body.  They looked up at Lucifer who dragged the person behind her.

"Who is she dad?"

"Someone who's been through so much trauma that would make satan himself cry.  She's going to be powerful one day.  Dominic, Lucifer will be your enforcer."

"But dad, shes not intimidating."

"She will be, but you will tell no one, I repeat no one about her until I announce her.  And never bring her up around Ell, okay?"

"Yes sir."

Lucifer | ✔️ | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now