Lumine... Such a different name yet so beautiful. She the girl who is searching for her brother.
One night she was on a quest but got to cold.. She ended up passing out in the middle of the woods in the snow. Her Bestfriend ,Paimon, quickly went to...
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(I'm gonna change up the story and settings a bit so enjoy.)
"Hey Lumine.." A high pitched voice spoke.
"Yes, Paimon?" Another voice spoke, a female.
"Paimon thinks it's scary! Are we lost?" The high pitched voice stampered while latching onto Lumine's arm.
Lumine stopped walking and gently placed her hand on Paimon's head, gently brushing it back.
"Don't worry Paimon. I'm sure we can find some shelter and warmth soon." Paimon instantly calmed down. Her Bestfriend's voice was so silky smooth and truthful that it could enchant any beast.
Lumine looked up at the sky as it began to snow. It was just raining so she was already soaked, the snow just making it colder.
She furrowed her eyebrows as continued walking, Paimon falling closely behind.
Lumine hugged herself and rubbed her arms as the snow glazed her skin in a thin icy layer.
"Are you cold?" Lumine asked while coughing.
"Paimon doesn't get cold! Are you cold, Lumine? Paimon will go look ahead for warmth!" The floating child began to fly ahead as Lumine reached out for her, not wanting her to go.
"Wait, Paimon!" Lumine's voice was hushed and her whole body was shaking. She was scared of being alone, because she thought she would be alone forever. The best thing she could do now to keep warm was to continue moving.
She lost balance in her foot, causing her stumble. She landed on her hands and knees. Her hands landed on some sharp rocks so her hands started to bleed.
She winced as she quickly pulled her hands back. She coughed and shivered as her eyesight began to become distorted. Her breathing was short and slow as she fell to her side.
She looked at her hand in front of her as she was ready to succumb to darkness. She could see blurred particles in front of her as she felt her arm being shook.
She could barely hear the high pitched voice of her friend. She wanted to comfort her but she could only listen to the little child's cries as she lost consciousness.
Paimon flew ahead of Lumine to quickly scout for something that would keep her warm. She saw a Hilichirul camp that had been abandoned. Surprisingly, the fire was still going.
"Yay! Paimon found fire for Lumine! Paimon must hurry and tell her!" Paimon quickly flew back to where she had last seen Lumine.
When she arrived, she was shocked. She saw Lumine, sure, but she was fading. Her once golden eyes were now coated with a light yellow. Her cheeks were as red as flames, along with her fingertips and nose, her skin was as pale as snow. Not to mention she was freezing beside her forehead.
"Lumine!" Paimon quickly shot to her Bestfriend and companion. She shook her in an attempt for a reaction. Nothing.
"No, no, no! Paimon was too slow!" Paimon slammed her fist in the air as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Paimon must seek help!" She continued to cry as she flew around looking for someone, anyone to help.
She eventually was wiping away a tear that clouded her vision, but she saw particles appear informer of her to reveal a young looking male.
She was already going to fast to stop so she ran into his back, causing her to flip in the air and him to lose his balance.
Paimon shook her head and quickly looked around. She saw the male looking around.
She quickly stopped and flew up to his face.
"Come on! You have to help Lumine! Paimon is to small to help!" Paimon cried while pulling on the males arm.
He only scoffed and rolled his eyes, but he was curious so he decided to follow the floating child.
Once they reached a dense like forest.
Paimon let go of his arm and flew over to a girl who was laid unconscious on the ground.
The male was unamused but something was so alluring about this girl.. Something about her was different. That being said, he walked over to the girl.
He gently tapped her bare shoulder but quickly retracted his hand, shocked by how cold she was.
He looked up at the floating child who was holding onto the other girls hand.
He sighed as he quickly hoisted the unconscious girl over his shoulder. He sighed as he was surprised with himself. He never helps mortals like this, but he is helping one now.
"Hold on." He reached his hand out to the floating child who gently grabbed his finger.
Before Paimon knew it, they were in a room that was connected to a balcony. She let go of the males hand as she looked around.
The male gently took the girl off his shoulders and placed her on the bed. He took a blanket and neatly covered her with it.
"My name is Xiao. Say my name and I will be there." After Xiao said that he disappeared.
Paimon looked around as she flew over to Lumine. She took hold over hand as she sat beside her.
"Paimon is sorry for not hurrying. If Paimon hurried maybe you'd still be awake.." Paimon felt guilty for leaving Lumine like that.
Paimon couldn't imagine how alone Lumine felt. She had feared it ever since she and her twin had separated.
When Lumine met Paimon. She could barely go to sleep because she didn't like being in the dark.