Lumine... Such a different name yet so beautiful. She the girl who is searching for her brother.
One night she was on a quest but got to cold.. She ended up passing out in the middle of the woods in the snow. Her Bestfriend ,Paimon, quickly went to...
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"Paimon has returned with snacks!" A high pitched voice squealed while flying through the door. She quickly flew up to Xiao and held out a piece of sticky honey roast.
"Want some?" She asked. Xiao turned his head in disgust.
"Human food disgusts me. I will only manage Almond Tofu." He snapped.
Paimon tilted her head but sat beside Lumine. She took small nibbles of her sticky honey roast.
She gently leaned against Lumine's stomach. Lumine was laying on her side while using her arms as pillows.
'Please wake up, Lumine.' Paimon hoped while her smile slightly fell and the snack became not as appetizing.
"Oh by the way, Lumine woke up, but she was acting like she was drunk on sickness." Xiao sighed while walking out to the balcony.
That lit a spark in Paimon.
"Yay!" She squealed as she bit into her Sticky Honey Roast once more.
Paimon stared at the ceiling as she thought about things to get Lumine.
"Paimon needs you to answer a question!" She demanded suddenly. She pointed a finger at Xiao as she flew up to him.
He raised a brow and gave a hum for a reply.
"Do you think picnics or eating at a restaurant is better. Give a good reason why!" She smiled as she waited for an answer.
Xiao slammed his book close as he stated, "Picnic because there are less people and there's more privacy." He scoffed as he turned away from the child. Paimon watched as he suddenly disappeared from thin air.
"Can you at least give Paimon another reason besides being lonely! Why do you like being alone anyways!" She huffed as flew back into the room.
"Paimon? Who are you talking to?" A tired Lumine stood up from the bed while holding onto the side table for support.
"Lumine!" Paimon hugged Lumine as she smiled.
"Paimon brought you some Sticky Honey Roast! There's also going to be a picnic tomorrow and Xiao is coming to! Did Paimon mention that she's glad you're awake?" Paimon kept rambling on while gently pushing Lumine on the bed. She grabbed a plate of stick honey roast and sat it in Lumine's lap.
Lumine let out a short chuckle as she watched paimon keep talking about the picnic. She would occasionally take bites out of the meat.