This story is probably going to jump from one scene to another really hilly, sorry :(
I gasped as things were shot at the beast in the water. I looked back at Ningguang as she told them to keep firing. The beast started to charge up something in its mouth as I furrowed my eyebrows.
I quickly ran towards the edge of the jade chamber and took a large leap towards it. I prepared to stab my sword into it, but it blasted me away with a strong power beam.
I winced as my stomach started to burn. I gasped as my back collided with a large rock. My head started to ache as my body started to fall.
My body felt weak as someone caught me in their arms. I barely opened my eyes to see Shenhe looking at me, worried. I furrowed my eyebrows at her as she nodded.
She gently laid me on the rocks as she left to fight the monster. I tried to push myself up to fight with her but my arms gave out on me as I tried to sit up.
"Xiao.." I whispered to myself as the wind slightly blew. I heard him hum as I looked up at him.
His eyes were closed, but he opened them when I didn't answer.
He froze as he saw the state I was in. He quickly bent down at my side. I started to sob as I felt blood trickle down the back of my neck.
He gently moved my body around to inspect the wounds I had. I turned my head towards him as he tried to think of something.
He looked at me before sighing. He gently pressed his lips against mine as I smiled. I held his hand as he pulled away.
"You'll be ok." He told me as I nodded. He slipped his arm under my knee as the other secured around my shoulders. He lifted me up as my head fell against his shoulder. "I promise."
My vision got blurry as I could feel him teleport. I heard shuffling around in a room and other things before I fell unconscious.

Different.. | Xiao x Lumine
FanfictionLumine... Such a different name yet so beautiful. She the girl who is searching for her brother. One night she was on a quest but got to cold.. She ended up passing out in the middle of the woods in the snow. Her Bestfriend ,Paimon, quickly went to...