Lumine smiled as they walked the halls of Wangshu in. They had just came back from the Lantern Rite festival.
They walked out to the balcony and climbed up the large tree that held the building. They laid on a branch as they continued to stargaze.
Lumine laughed as Xiao pointed out a constellation that looked like a cat.
Xiao helped Lumine off of the trunk off the tree onto the balcony.
"Thank you Xiao! I should held off to bed now." Lumine smiled at him as he was kind of sad she had to go.
"Ok then.. G-Goodnight.." Xiao mumbled the last part where she couldn't hear so she walked around the corner and out of his sight.
He hit his wrist against his head as he was upset with himself. He had his chance to get closer to her but blew it.
He sighed as he departed to his own room.

Different.. | Xiao x Lumine
FanfictionLumine... Such a different name yet so beautiful. She the girl who is searching for her brother. One night she was on a quest but got to cold.. She ended up passing out in the middle of the woods in the snow. Her Bestfriend ,Paimon, quickly went to...