Lumine grabbed an extra shirt from one of the drawers, it was far to long and slightly fell off her shoulders. It was also a blue grayish color.
"Is it just Paimon or was Xiao acting weird?" Paimons did flips in mid air as Lumine changed.
"I'm not sure, I do think he wasn't acting like himself." Lumine put her hand on her chin as she sat on the bed.
"Perhaps he isn't feeling well? Do adeptus get skin?" Lumine looked back at Paimon.
"How would Paimon know?" Paimon shrugged her shoulders as she pulled a blanket onto the bed. Lumine got under the covers and Paimon laid outside of them.
She pulled a thinner black on top of her and rested her head on a small pillow that was on the chair in the room.
"We'll goodnight Paimon." Lumine yawned as she started to fall asleep. "Goodnight Lumine!"
Paimon yawned as well as they both started to drift of to sleep..
"Paimon, where are you going?" Lumine asked as Paimon was about to fly out the window.
"Paimon is going to get you a surprise! Paimons will be back in a jiffy!" She quickly flew away.
Lumine sighed as she walked down to the kitchen.
"Good morning Yanxiao! Do you think I could get something to eat?" Lumine stood at the stairs as Yanxiao turned to her.
"Of course! I was also wondering if you could take this box down to the restaurant." Yanxiao put a large box on the table in front of her.
"Oh.. of course!" She picked up the box and started to head downstairs.
She put the box on the table and looked around. There were more people than usual so Yanxiao was probably busy making their orders.
"Ah Lumine! Could you deliver this letter to someone is Jueyun Karst? He should be by the statue of the seven! Thanks!" The lady soon ran off before Lumine could protest.
Her eyes widened as people started to crowd around asking for her to take things for them to.
"Here! My sister is waiting for this letter in Minlin!"
"Please take this to my mother in Mondstadt."
She sighed as she finally left Wangshu inn. She had about 7 letters she needed to deliver.
Her groaned as she finally got to her last stop. It was to the man by the statue of the seven. She looked around for him and saw him sitting on the edge.
"Here is your letter." Lumine handed him the letter as he thanked her. She sighed as she used a wind current to ease her way down.
Once she landed on the ground it was oddly quiet. The feeling was strange. There were no hillichurls. There was also a strange smell in the air.
She saw a small cave. She walked towards it and there seemed to be more around a corner. She slowly walked in, she had her sword drawn in case there were hillichurls.
She slowly pulled her body around the corner.
She gasped as she dropped her sword, her vision seemed to be spinning. Her breathing was speeding up and tears pricked the back of her eyes.
She ran over to Xiaos body as she covered her mouth. She knelt by his side as she shook him. He was turned in his side, facing away from her.
She pulled him over onto his back. Her hands hovered over the large gash in his chest. There was no saving him, he was already dead.
Lumine quickly sat up as her breathing was as fast as ever. She looked at Paimon who was still sleeping peacefully.
She hugged her knees to her chest as she shook. The sight of Xiaos body clouded her mind. His spear laying only a few feet away.
The way his body was cold against her skin and the way his blood coated the ground. It all felt so real.
Tears started to fill her vision as his head face in her knees.

Different.. | Xiao x Lumine
FanfictionLumine... Such a different name yet so beautiful. She the girl who is searching for her brother. One night she was on a quest but got to cold.. She ended up passing out in the middle of the woods in the snow. Her Bestfriend ,Paimon, quickly went to...