Lumine sighed as she sat up. She shivered as she pushed the blanket off of her. She quietly got up and closed the door behind her as she began walking to the balcony.
She rested her arms on the rail as she looked at the stars. There were millions, no billions of stars.
They all made cute and funny shapes if you connected them.
Lumine smiled as she rested her head on her hand. She closed her eyes as she listened to the crickets chirp.
"What are you doing?" A familiar voice rang as she slightly jumped. She quickly turned around to see Xiao.
He was leaning on his weapons as blood trickled down his face.
"Xiao!... You're bleeding!" Lumine quickly ran over to him and turned his head so she could see the sound better.
He gently nudged her hand as he sighed. "I'm fine.. you don't need to worry. Why are you here? I thought you had commissions to attend to."
"I do but those can wait for a bit. I need to rest anyways." Lumine shook her head as she took Xiao's spear and pulled on his arm with her free hand.
"What are you you doing?" Xiao slightly pulled away but Lumine kept a strong grip on her hand. Xiao let out a harsh sigh as he slightly winced from the wound.
"Sorry but you're hurt. I'm not just gonna walk away." Lumine sat him on the empty bed of her room and she sat his weapon by the door.
She gently pushed him back onto the bed so he was laying down. She turned on the small lamp that was on the table as she stood up.
"Stay here." Lumine quickly went to the bathroom. Soon you could the sink running.
Xiao listened as he laid his hand on his stomach. He closed his eyes and relaxed since he felt no danger towards him.
He opened his eyes once more when he heard a glass being placed on the table next to him. He slowly opened his eyes and look over.
Lumine placed a glass of water on the table and she folded and damp rag.
She leaned over to him as she gently cleaned the blood off of his forehead.
"You don't.. have to do this." Xiao closed his eyes again as his body physically relaxed to the girls touch.
"Yes I do. I'm in your debt." Lumine continued to clean the blood.
"You have.. no respect for... the asepti." He looked away as he felt himself becoming flustered.
Lumine just sighed as she finished with the first cut. She gently took his arm as he looked back over.
Lumine pulled back his sleeve as she continued to clean the dried blood there too.
Xiao watched her as she was gentle. He looked at there hands, she was holding his hand so it would be easier to clean. He slowly and gently tightens his grip on her hand. She hadn't seemed to notice since she placed the rag down.
"Do you mind sitting up a bit?" Lumine asked while looking at him.
He stared at her for a moment before hesitantly letting go of her hand.
He sat up and rested his back against the head board as he sighed.
Lumine gently held the glass of water in front of him. He complied as he leaned forward. She helped him take slow sips of the water before it was gone.
"You must rest now. It will make you feel better. You can stay in here so you don't have to move." Lumine smiled while pulling a blanket onto him.
"No that's... to much." Xiao grunted while looking at her.
"You don't have a choice." Lumine gently sat on the side of the bed and gripped his hand while looking at him. "Please."
Xiao just stared at her while slightly blushing. "Fine."
Lumine smiled and kissed his cheek before turning off the lamp. "Goodnight Xiao!" She smiled while walking to her own bed.
If the light was one, she would definitely see his red face. He was flustered, embarrassed even. He wasn't sure why himself.
When the girl kissed him it was like a small candle had grown in size. It felt like his heart was about to burst.
'Why must humans be so confusing.. especially this one...'
That was the last thought Xiao had before he fell into a deep sleep.

Different.. | Xiao x Lumine
FanfictionLumine... Such a different name yet so beautiful. She the girl who is searching for her brother. One night she was on a quest but got to cold.. She ended up passing out in the middle of the woods in the snow. Her Bestfriend ,Paimon, quickly went to...