The walk back was quiet. Well Lumine was alone, but she felt awkward.
She had fallen asleep while cloud gazing with Xiao. Not only that, he saw her weak side. Most people in Mondstadt considered her weak at first because she was just a traveler.
She sighed as she couldn't help it. She had to keep looking for him. She'd head to Liyue to find the geo archon. Maybe he knew something.
She smiled as she pulled out a small picture she kept.
It was her and her brother before they met the unknown god.
"Paimon is finally here!" Suddenly Paimon appeared out of thin air. Lumine looked at her as she slid the picture in her pocket.
Lumine smiled and turned to Paimon.
"Great timing! We're going to Liyue to continue looking!" Lumine looked slightly worried at her friend as she seemed to be slightly confused.
"Then I shall escort you there." A warm hand was placed on her shoulder as she turned to the voice.
"Xiao!?" Paimon screamed as she flew up to him.
He rolled his eyes as he turned his attention to the traveler.
She smiled at him as he began walking towards Liyue.
They were nearing the entrance of Liyue, but Lumine was quite sad that nothing memorable happened on the way.
She smiled as she gently drug her finger down the adeptus's back.
He jumped forward and faced the girl with bright blush on his face.
"My my! So even the adepti are sensitive.." Lumine laughed as she walked past him.
Xiao scoffed as he folded his arms.
"Have no respect for the Adepti!" Lumine laughed as she stopped.
"Anyways we'll see you alter Xiao! Thank you for escorting me!" Lumine hugged him before running off to the city.
Xiao watched as she left. His cheeks still warm. It seemed like her embrace was still there...

Different.. | Xiao x Lumine
FanfictionLumine... Such a different name yet so beautiful. She the girl who is searching for her brother. One night she was on a quest but got to cold.. She ended up passing out in the middle of the woods in the snow. Her Bestfriend ,Paimon, quickly went to...