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Third person POV

The Cullen residence ,once again, is threatened by an outside party . This time the Quileute pack .

Jacob couldn't hide the fact that Bella is pregnant.,and just like everyone, the pack decided that the unknown is to be feared and killed.
Elizabeth couldn't blame them, it's their nature to protect their tribe and imprints . And she too have to protect her own.

The Cullen fortified the house, continuously monitoring the premises which led them to go longer with no hunting.

Just a week of that made the entire household on edge.
Elizabeth can only cook so much, can only care for her sister's damaged ribs and stay strong enough to care for Charlie. And it wasn't working so smoothly too.
" I should go talk to Sam, surely he'll spare some minutes to let me explain what is happening " Elizabeth spoke to Carlisle.
The Coven leader stiffened " no, that's very dangerous. They could hurt you!" He panicked. He wasn't thinking rationally and when it comes to his mate, he won't want to if it means there is a slight possibility that she'll get hurt.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes " the pack will never hurt me , no matter what.plus they are afraid. We too are afraid but atleast a small information could help them see it our way?" She too wasn't very sure of what is she saying,but she'll try everything in order to help her family.

A stubborn witch gets what she wants,and Elizabeth found herself standing in front of Sam's house.
Sam opened the door followed by his pack looking at her curiously .

"Hey Sam " she started

" if you're coming here to convince us that whatever your sister is pregnant with is not dangerous,save your breath and our friendship too" he cut her off.

Her shoulders slumped " well, I'd like to atleast say hi to Leah?" She asked
Leah came out, a different Leah someone that looks bitter and burdned unlike the happy go lucky Leah that she used to be besties with.

" hey Leah " she started awkwardly
The shewolf looked at her, different emotions crossed her face then it was scowling again

" what he said" she spat and ran away to the back of the house, disappearing in the forest.

Elizabeth's looked down in defeat , there was no talking now.
She felt hurt that she lost her friends in the midst of supernatural battles .
" Okey then, but if you tried to hurt my family... I won't be able to not protect them" she said regrettably

Sam nodded curtly " we too won't be able to look away from what the Cullen are doing... seems like we chose our sides"

" it's family Sam, Carlisle is more to me than what Emily is to you... and Bella is my little sister. I can't " she looked away sadly and walked to her car,knowing that she is not welcomed to LaPush anymore.

She kept looking at the forest, hoping for a sight of Leah but to no avail.
She lost her too.

Elizabeth went back to Charlie's after grocery shopping.
She made sure to cook something for the old man so he won't starve.
Although, it seems like he is talking to Sue a lot more since the wedding.
She even smelled her parfum once or twice in the house . She smiled fondly, Leah and Seth will be her step siblings pretty soon if Charlie gets his courage up. Maybe she'll help with that .

" hey dad your back home early?" She greeted him with a smile.
Charlie took his gun and boots off before walking to the kitchen
" yeah, did you call Bella today? My phone went to voice mail twice" he complained .
Elizabeth bit the inside of her cheek " they probably are in a dead cell zone , I called in the morning and she said she's getting better. " she looked away from him.
She can't lie to him while looking at him , it hurts her so bad .
" oh Okey then , dinner smells nice" he changed the subject which she was very grateful for.
" wash up , dinner is almost ready "

Elizabeth drove to the Cullen house as usual. Carlisle opened her car door even before she got to turn off the engine.
" hey my love " she greeted him with a hug.
" hey, I was worried about you, you didn't answer your phone when you were in the res" he looked at her all over.
" my phone died and I didn't notice. " she sighed remembering the meeting .
" and I wasn't emotional Okey after the meeting. I needed some time to regain my energy "
Carlisle nodded understanding, his mate has been stressed since the pregnancy started and it aches that he can't help her other than be there for her and his family.

Elizabeth frowned seeing Carlisle's eyes go dark faster than usual. That means her food isn't doing much for their thirst.
She went inside to check up on her sister only to find her sound asleep.
But her family wasn't comfortable because of the thirst .
She decided to try something " I'll be back " she told Carlisle who looked at her puzzled but nodded .

Once she was a bit away from the house but not far enough to meet the pack that were roaming the forest ... waiting.
She took a deep breath and let Lana be in control.
The dark haired witch closed her eyes, harnessing energy from the nature around her and summoning animals.
A herd of deer came up to her . Enough for her family's thirst.

The Cullens smelled blood before seeing the animals and zoomed out of the house to Lana's side.

The witch smirked winking at her mate " is enjoy your meals too much?"
" not at this stage " Emmett answered.

Esme thanked her politely and waited for lana to be inside before letting her primal senses out unlike her family who were too thirsty to care for politeness.
Edward refused to feed. His self torture went on till Elizabeth put some sense into him " if you are weak, and thirsty. You will be no help to your wife or child. Stop your petty party and be the good husband Bella deserves . Whatever going on in your head, it's effecting my sister greatly . The added stress you're giving her is absolutely not good for her !" She lectured him sternly

The 112 year old vampire hung his head in shame and nodded. After all she was right. He needs to stop being so selfish about this and be there for Bella .

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