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The house got colder and quieter with anticipation. Not the Cullens nor Elizabeth could find any information to confirm that this is possible.
No one ever knew that humans can get pregnant from vampires.. not even the witches that created them !
Ofcourse, the pregnancy is not confirmed yet till Bella and Edward arrive.
Which to Elizabeth is more anxiety than the others.
She didn't prepare how she'll tell Bella .. and how will she take it?
It wasn't the right time nor the place for Elizabeth to blow the bomb now that the pregnancy scare is still present .

Elizabeth walked back and forth as the others sat in the living room still and unmoving , no one bothered to act human anymore, they were all in their headspace thinking of the current problem even if Carlisle said it's not confirmed yet and there was no problem to worry about till he confirms it.

Elijah sat next to Esme holding her as his mate worries about their family and Bella .

Jasper could not take the anxiety polluted air and had to leave the house several times to stop the pressure of feeling every emotion present in that house .

Emmett was strangely quiet . Trying to busy himself with anything and Rosalie
Rosalie got a secret.

Bella called her hours ago asking for her help and support if the pregnancy is real.
She knew Edward will not agree on keeping the baby and wanted to ensure some kind of protection .

Rosalie reluctantly agreed, protecting
a pregnant woman was above the bad blood she had against Bella .
Ofcourse bella did not know that her older sister was there for her too.
" they'll be here in 5 minutes " Alice said .

Alice was frustrated, she did not stop looking into the future since the phone call which agitated her more because she couldn't see that coming.
She couldn't see any possibility in Bella's future and it was like going blind for her .

Carlisle combed every book about their kind in a futile attempt of a documented similar experience but he couldn't focus anymore .
With his mate worry coursing through their bond.. he felt helpless
And couldn't sooth his mate's worried which is painful for him to feel.

"They're here " Alice said and zoomed out of the living room to open the door .
The rest stayed in place but not Elizabeth. She ran downstairs in need to see her younger sister as soon as possible.
What she saw was a pale ghost of her sister. And it mortified her.
Bella was looking sick, like she has been drained from every drop of her blood and her long hair looks dry and dead.
Her face holds sadness, guilt and anxiety. Edward was like a planchette.
Stiff and dark. He looks like he's a robot doing things by the book.
Bella didn't notice Elizabeth first but Edward did . He looked at Alice curiously but Alice didn't say anything. She helped Bella out from the black Mercedes " Carlisle is waiting for you upstairs " Alice said .
Bella nodded, rixes her head up and froze when she saw her sister on the doorstep waiting.
She looked at Alice " d-does she  know?" Bella asked quietly
" yes.. but it's a long story " Alice concluded
Elizabeth felt horrible, seeing her sister so frail while she's standing there . She walked to her sister and embraced her . She closed her eyes and fed her magical energy to her sister who gasped at the warm tingles that traveled in her veins
" I'll explain everything but I need you to be strong for this " Elizabeth assured and Bella was too dazed by the new energy to answer.

Elizabeth guided Bella to Carlisle's medical room . Searching for his eyes for emotional support.
As always , Carlisle's tenderness and compassion helped Bella to calm down as he prepared her for the ultra sound machine.
The little screen next to her shows nothing but darkness in her womb. Which was not a good sign for the doctor.
" I cannot see anything " Carlisle voiced to Bella who's holding her breath .
" it is unnatural... I haven't seen anything like it." He continued
" but.. is she" Edward's strained dry voice took Elizabeth by surprise. She never heard him speak like that before .
" yes." Carlisle's curt answer opened a turmoil of shock and anxiety in everyone's mind.
" it's killing her .. I can't let it hurt her.. take it out" Edward spat looking hateful to the fetus that's growing inside his wife ...killing her slowly.
" Noo!" Bella shouted cradling her stomach as if she's protecting her baby
" no.. I want him.. " Rosalie stepped closer to bella .. glaring at Edward
" it's her choice" the blonde vampire said
" to kill herself that is!" Edward fired looking a mix of angry and desperate.

Elizabeth p.o.v

I felt it.
I felt how Edward feels.
To lose your lover , to watch her decay in every passing second .
Only for something never been seen .
A 'maybe' baby
But then again
I knew Bella , I know she will not back off. Too stubborn for her own good. She doesn't only want a baby, she wants his baby.
And as her sister. I will support her
Even if it'll almost kill her.
I will give her a chance to deliver the baby.. I will keep her as healthy as possible even though it is obvious how hard that will be.
The fetus is sucking the life out of her.
Just this hour , all the energy I poured into her has been transferred to it.
And I must prepare myself and Bella for what's coming.
" no I can't let her die! Not like this!" Edward shook like a desperate human.. a desperate husband .
" I won't let her die too..Edward " I intervened knowing that Rosalie was ready to cuss him out.
His wild dark eyes focused on me. As if he noticed me for the first time standing there.
" how? How would you do that !"
I looked down contemplating my answer .
I don't know how I'll tell them in the middle of a really chaotic situation like this.
But I decided to show them .
I closed my eyes and summoned Lana..

Bella's gasp tells me that my appearances has changed into a paler and darker hair me.

Lana's vision is way different then mine, she can see auras and energies , she can feel everything

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Lana's vision is way different then mine, she can see auras and energies , she can feel everything..more alive and intense.
" yep she's pregnant " Lana said losing interest and looking at our mate with seductive eyes
I forced her to focus back and she complied ..annoyingly .

" yeah We are a witch .. surprise ! I'll protect Bella .. she means a lot to us too" she flipped her dark hair
And looked at Bella..
her energy was decaying , I can see that through Lana now
Lana held her right hand up taking external energy from the electricity around us and morphing it to pure energy before giving it to Bella

Bella's sickly pale face turned flushed with life and her entire body.. including the baby.. got healthier by the second .
Lana smiled " yep.. we can handle that " and we passed out .

A/N: hope you like this.. it's a bit chaotic I know ..

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