|dix sept|

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Carlisle p.o.v

i waited for this moment since my human years, courting the women my heart love was something i hoped for; asking her father for her hand; offering him money and sheep in order to impress him.

snapping out of my thoughts , to allow myself to enjoy this moment, her floral scent mixed with a hue of lavender ; how she hums with the music ; the Volturi lord and i were in absolute bliss.Elijah made sure to reserve his new restaurant for supernaturals for us only; but i couldn't  help but get  nervous .

we arrived faster than i attend it to be, getting out of the car and reaching for the passenger door with fast strides making it show as humanly as possible; "thank you" her soft voice with the beautiful smile made me grin ; she lifted her head to look at the castle like restaurant , her golden curls slides to her back forcing my focus to follow them entranced, it feels like i have never seen a woman before her " this is very creative" gushing at the medieval decor, the restaurant looks like a medieval/renaissance small castle above a hill and away from prying eyes to give it clients the very needed privacy , a guy with a butler costume greeted us on the marvelous door , i gave him the keys to park my car. nodding to the vampire and walked inside, the volturi lord's protectiveness kicked in and i wrapped my arm around her waist knowing that it's entirely inappropriate for a gentlemen to hold his date like this on the first date but i couldn't win the argument with my alter about it.

Elizabeth blushed but slightly leaned in which made my dead cold heart warm up for a second, she wasn't even bothered with my cold temperature!

" this is marvelous! how did you found this restaurant? it's like i traveled in time if it weren't for the slight modern touches" my mate gushed, her eyes looking around the interior decor.

it was dim lit, with a large chandelier in the middle but due to how the tables are away from that source of light for privacy, candles are lit in the middle of every table.

the dark Gothic style with a touch of the blood red velvet cushion chairs and the two armors on each side of the door , Elijah and Esme out did themselves into making the place authentically correct for that era.
Sitting down before ordering food and drinks making sure the "wine" is strictly animal blood and alcohol so it'll look like wine than blood, I fidget not knowing what to say, staring at her became a little weird now but I wish I could stare at her for eternity. For a person who lived, read all the romantic love stories and was one way or another introduced to the dating etiquette of each and every time, I'm still clueless and i fail to bring any kind of interesting subject that doesn't include work or my family. But fortunately and embarrassedly for me , I read an article about 50 conversation starter from a teen magazine and this is the perfect situation to use it " tell me what you were like as a kid?" I blurted refusing to think about it harder than I should
Her eyes sparkled with amusement before smiling shyly " I'll probably won't say things as they are , and I'll even praise myself on things , others did not saw it as I did so bare with me " she giggled, like angels best music .
" I was an outdoor kid, I liked the forest and the green landscape, I use to spend my time collecting flowers and going to the library to learn their names , and when I found out about the meaning behind each flower, I grew obsessed and stayed indoor reading books about it for an entire summer. When I turned thirteen, I had to leave with Renee and live in Arizona, so I started to grew plants and my room turned into a jungle " she shook her head smiling , my mouth stretched with a smile mirroring hers " Renne then suggested to start growing vegetables in the back yard, it became my sole hobby after school, so I had no friends in Arizona, I couldn't wait for summer to go visit forks , here I had friends and a tight attachment to the town unlike Bella. I loved hunting and fishing too , and that's really all " she shrugged blushing.

First date part two, I have decided to publish this part since the first date is still long lol, forgive me for my tardiness. I'm such a procrastinator

finally found you ~Carlisle Cullen ~Where stories live. Discover now