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Elizabeth p.o.v

" I'm thinking Ireland called to you , the moment you turned fifteen " Bella spoke softly . Both sitting on the soft couch talking.
It's been a week since I told my sister about my magic , and to my surprise, she actually took it calmly and wasn't angry with me for not sharing my secret with her.
She even told me she was in the same situation as I am because she ,too couldn't share with me her secrets because they weren't only hers.
After that, she'd ask me questions randomly.
Tells me how my magic works, how Lana is attached to me and even requested to get to know her.
My little sister is brave,and I love that about her.
As for Edward, i never actually spoke to him during the week.
He looks like he is mourning already,and it breaks my heart how much pain he must be feeling .
But this isn't only about him. This is about Bella too. She gets to decide and she did.
Even though I'm worried about her all the time , I couldn't show it. Not to anyone .
I have to look strong and support my sister as much as I can.
Even if my magic is tiring me off faster than usual.
It makes me take so much energy from nature that most of Esme's garden is always filled with dead plants .
But I have to, the baby takes so much energy, and it's growing fast which makes its need for energy even bigger and stronger.
I didn't voice that to my sister in fear that she'll grow weaker with worry.
She already is worried enough for everything and I can see that I make her somewhat relieved
I fix her broken ribs fast , prevent the pain from it and lulled her to a comfortable sleep .
But all that isn't enough.

" I guess you are right... even when I was in England ... I always knew where I'm going , eventually " I smiled warmly at my sickly pale sister that still looks like she lost half of her weight despite my constant tries to make her look better
She nodded already tired and sleepy and I hummed for her , brushing her hair softly while I send her energy through the physical contact .

" darling have you eaten? You look sick " the honey like voice of my fiancé made me smile and look away from my sandwich
" I'm making a sandwich.. I'll be alright " I noticed his coal black eyes making me worry
" You too haven't drank  anything for weeks .. you should take turns hunting " I encouraged
he smiled hugging me , breathing my sent and relaxing finally
" I'm not thirsty , your food helps us stay full"
" yeah but , it won't exactly give you the strength that you get from drinking blood .. it's just like a granola bar .. nutritious but not enough to substitute meals forever " I sighed getting worried
His fingers traced my cheek softly,tingling every place he touched .
" I know my love ... I'll arrange something " I nodded believing him
" how's Charlie ? " he asked and my smile fell
I look down guiltily
" worried .. a lot.. he keeps asking me , keeps calling " I sigh
" I assured him that everything is going to be fine and that Bella will get better but he is not at all relieved but my presence there makes him feel better " Carlisle nodded sympathetically
" I need to try something " I changed the subject
He frowned confused
" my energy tricks aren't completely helping Bella .. she need to feed.. not my food nor my energy will keep her going strong .. the baby is fighting to grow and it needs real nutrients " I shared my thoughts with him.
He stayed silent for a moment, that look of hard thinking and curiosity decorated his face making him look even more wiser
" you've got a point but what exactly will it need ?" He asked
And I paused for a minute knowing that by now the entire family is listening
" blood"

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