-trente- et -un-

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Elizabeth p.o.v

 "Nice foot work Doctor Cullen"  I smiled amused as we dance with the beautiful music in Carlisle's Office

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"Nice foot work Doctor Cullen" I smiled amused as we dance with the beautiful music in Carlisle's Office ...
" well, I've had a lot of practice, Mrs Cullen " he mused making me role my eyes .. it was merely minutes ago since I said yes to his marriage proposal..and seven days since I came back... he wouldn't have to date me longer without me being his fiancé and Wife later...

it was pretty early for all of this but honestly, I couldn't say I wasn't happy about his proposal despite how fast the relationship has gone... but now that we have no secrets between us... there was no need to keep dating for too long knowing that we are meant to be together forever... at least that's how he convinced me ... and also his beautiful wording ...
" oh please ...it was merely minutes ago " I teased ... Carlisle chuckled, his chest rumbling with the beautiful sound I could forever listening to it .
" Elizabeth " he started , heads up as if to say a very important speech .. I hummed looking at how delicious he looks from this angle
" all of it... everything I've learned and done was all so I'd be worthy of you" I blushed like always ... swooning over his words , he easily can make me feel so young.. so in love! With few words he just takes my heart over and over again. I remain speechless
" I love you... more than I've ever loved anything in this world " his golden eyes shine taking my breath away as I look into them... so much emotion those golden orbs hold...
" I love you so much .. If I could find a higher word than love .. you'd be the one created for ..." I looked into his eyes hoping that my love will be shown in my own too as it shown in his .
" I never knew there is this happiness for me to feel " he spoke, voice smooth like silk and eyes shine with all the love any girl wish to see in her lover's eyes.
I knew , I knew I was blessed .. so very blessed with many things in my life.. but nothing compared to him.
He is everything to me ... everything .
The ringing of a phone woke me up in the morning, but I ignored it for a while knowing that Carlisle will answer it ...

I went back to sleep only to be woken up again by Carlisle's worried face
I instantly sat up knowing that there's something wrong " are you okey ? what is going on? "
He walked to me with a frown on his perfectly smooth face that made me even more alert
" it's Bella " those two words were enough for me to enter a panicking state where I imagine the worst
" w-what happened " my voice cracked at every syllable as I stood up wearing only my silky nightgown
" she's .. I don't know how to say it.. I never knew this is even possible " he rambled looking like a confused human .
" Carlisle " I snapped him out of his panicked state trying to get information
" what is it" I pressed ..
he took a large breath that I knew he did not need
" Bella just called me saying that she thinks she's pregnant..and they are coming back here as fast as possible " Carlisle told me panicking even more
" she ..what" my brain froze trying to think of how is this possible.. i am not an expert on vampire biology but I'm pretty sure that's impossible... at least we never heard of it .. but then again there was no known human and vampire love that the human survived to have a honeymoon with the vampire.

And just Bella's luck.. she would probably be the first human impregnated by a vampire.
" Elizabeth?" Carlisle worried voice snapped me out of my frozen state
" oh my goddess.. what if it's true?!" I panicked holding on Carlisle as my legs fail to keep me standing.
" she.. she's too frail to handle that" I cried as Carlisle held me tighter to his chest
" nothing will happen to her.. Edward will never let anything hurt her even if it's inside her .. now.. my love.. please .. I need you to calm down so I can focus in researching about this " my fiancé said looking at me worriedly
I nodded trying to collect myself.. I need to speak to my sisters too.. I need to know if they have any information about this .

A/N: I let my chapters marinate in the draft because I'm too insecure about them and this is a rough patch in my book.. please don't hate it ..
I love you all

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