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I couldn't sleep all night reminiscing about the past, how I ended up to be a supreme witch of one of the rarest and most wanted breed

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I couldn't sleep all night reminiscing about the past, how I ended up to be a supreme witch of one of the rarest and most wanted breed. 

The first thing I learned after the "influenza" episode is that Billy black has a secret. Yet, my gut told me he was suspicious about me but not as a witch but more as his own secret but at that time I couldn't care less because I already had so much in my plate.
After three day, I recovered from the burning fever. But I shuted down on everyone, except bella because she was too youngsters to understand what I was going through and she'll think I sort of abounded her.
Then,lana starts to speak to me through dreams First and  little by little I started to learn more about me and my family's tree and our powers and responsibilities.
It was finally dawn and I decided to just get up and start my day.

i have planned to visit Lapush today, to give my condolence to Mrs sue Clearwater and Leah.

Leah, Sam and i were friends. when i used to visit i was always hanging out with them or all of us going fishing ,doing dorky stuff , Leah had a crush on Sam for like forever and i managed to set them up on a date before i went back to Arizona. from then, they became couple but recently Bella informed me on my last visit that they broke up and Sam went for her cousin Emily, which i know her too, Leah didn't took it so well i suppose .

i started to bake three pies , one with strawberries , the Clearwater's  favorite, the second with blueberries for Sammy and the last with limon for billy.

perks of being a witch is , you never make bad food. if a witch cooked,  anyone no matter who will enjoy it.that's how my friend/coven sister Lillian got the job as the royal family chef back in England.

i have finished baking and cleaning by noon.and i jumped straight  shower. after that i fixed my manicure and my hair,make-up and i picked an outfit.I wonder what flavour Carlisle prefers, maybe i should ask Bella,,,subtly.

i arrived at the Clearwater's driveway, nothing really changed,except maybe the new plants. Lana seems so irritated since i step a foot on the reservation, i guess she misses our mate.

i knocked the door  and step back a little holding the pie with both palms.the door burst open revealing the cute face of Seth but the toned muscles of a wrestler,that startles me a bit,what sue been feeding this kid?

"hello,Seth do you remember me" his face broke into a dimply grin"Lizzy! i miss youu, how are you,is this your famous strawberries pie oh god i missed them" his bubbly persona was still there at least, i giggled nodding to all his question. Sue probably heard her son's enthusiasm and came to check,when she caught sight of me she gasped holding her heart "Lizzy,is that you? " i smiled nodding she sped up hugging me tightly while mumbling how she misses me. they finally let me in,and we sat in the cosy living room"where is Leah? i missed her so much" "well,i guess she is taking a walk in the forest,you know her" i nodded smiling at the memories.

after tea and a bit of chatting i finally found the gut "I'm so sorry about uncle Harry,nobody informed me about it till yesterday,i really feel bad not attending his funeral,he was my friend too" i said really trying to hold my tears. "i know honey, it was very hard on us too,and he wouldn't want you to come all the way from London,it's very expensive  especially for a student. " i nodded squeezing her hand.  i waited more for Leah but she didn't got back home. so i decided to leave for my next stop,Sammy.Seth offers to show me where he recently reside with his now fiancée Emily.the car road was short and filled with Seth's excited babbling.I enjoyed it nevertheless.As i shuts the engine the door of the lovely house opened and a really large man appeared with a scowl in his face. at first i was a little thrown of ,but as he got closer i recognise my childhood best-friend's features almost immediately. "look who forgot his befriends face!"i shouted while walking toward him. he frown a bit and then it hits him. "Lizzy? what happened to your blonde hair" his voice boomed with a throaty chuckle. i rolled my eyes and hugged him"what happened to my scrawny shy best-friend"i fired bag getting a booming laugh from him.

Emily got out from the kitchen wiping her hands with the apron and spoke without looking"honey, who's in there" she finally look up and i barely held my gasp,her once  flawless soft features are now had a claw scar on it. her and i stood in shock for a second before Emily shouted my name and hugged me,i hugged back still taken aback but i would never say anything about it , Sam seemed restless now shifting his wait from foot to another looking kinda ashamed. "its been a long time ha" i said chuckling"Sammy here didn't even recognise me"i pouted while everyone laugh at Sam's grumbling about not to call him that. 

Emily rushed me inside but i had to go back and take the blueberry pie i made for them. Sam's eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas. He still has his childlessness regardless of how tough and authoritative he look and act. Lana really bothered me and i had to cut the visit a bit shorter than i attended. the last stop was the black's house, billy was watching TV with dad,shocker!. they enjoyed the pie and tea and pizza and beers, they really should watch their health.I had to go back to the cottage as fast as possible to communicate with Lana and see what is wrong with her.

to my surprise i found a silk black Mercedes parked in the small driveway.

Carlisle with all his glory,wearing a simple sky-blue shirt and a black fitting trouser looking like a god of seduction,Lana purred upon seeing just how hot our mate is.  His pale flawless skin, the way he is holding himself reminds me of a gentlemen from the 16th century, his silk blond hair looks so shiny and silky i just want to touch it smell it like the creep i am, shaking my head to come back to earth, i shyly smiled getting out from the car." Mr.Cullen , did you waited for me so long? you must be freezing" i blurted out while approaching him , his bright smile faded a bit before answering me,and let me tell you about his voice. i can hear him speak for eternity and never get tired of it. " please call me Carlisle, i only arrived 10 minutes before you" i smiled not finding any word to say, my hand are shaking and i couldn't open the door. a large soft cold hand stopped me from fumbling with the keys and electricity runs along my body. i turned my head slowly only to find his face inches away from mine, his kissable pink lips are alluring me to touch them with my own,and i think i need a cold shower.

his smile was even more beautiful up close, or is it a smirk?"please allow me"

so there you go guys, ill update more now that i finished my finals.

comment,vote tell me what you guys think,i always enjoy seeing your comments xoxo

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