Vingt- quatre

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Carlisle p.o.v
Alice came to us dancing her way with excitement, a huge grin on her face.
" time for cake!" She sang making my mate chuckle.
Elizabeth locked eyes with elizer and seem to freeze... her beautiful smile faded and she looked like she has seen a ghost.
Her heart rate beats became erratic which made all of us with super hearing frown , me worried about her more.
" honey... are you alright?" I asked caressing her shoulders.
She nodded and blinked from her trance
" I apologize.B-But I have to umm fix my makeup " she stuttered , and scrambled her way out of my grasp with an unusual clumsiness . She avoided looking at me and walked away.
I was flabbergasted, she never acted this way before. She usually is very nice and polite. My cold heart hurt from the way she tore herself away from my grasp.
" what's wrong with her?" Alice asked shocked , even Edward from the other side of the garden frown and made eye contact with me. I shrugged not knowing what just happened
Soon enough, I found myself with a plate full of delicious wedding cake. I was distracted by the uncomfortableness of my mate. And asking her what was wrong again.. for the millionth time.. might be the reason she'll snap.
Everyone seems to enjoy the masterpiece of a cake that my sister and my mate made. And even that didn't help to fix Elizabeth's mood. She usually gets very excited to feed us but now she looks ... just.. uncomfortable.

All the standard traditions were kept. We took turns shoving cake in each other's faces; Bella threw her bouquet with atypical skill, right into Elizabeth's surprised hands. That puts a smile on her beautiful face, even a blush when Emmet teased her about it.
But even that didn't lift her aura.when our eyes met, she seem to look at me with a different light.. like she is seeing me for the first time.
" are you alright my love ?" I dared to ask her .. feeling a certain tightness in my gut. She paused looking in my eyes and she smiled.. a sad smile
" yes . Just getting tired by the night " she answered, her voice so soft and there is a hint of apology in it.. maybe for making me worried?
Soon enough, we were sitting in front of the small stage holding a tasteless champagne.

Emmet started first, purposing a toast and , without hesitation, made a dirty joke that made some of the audience choke and others laugh... Bella blushed furiously during the entire embarrassing moments, including the underlying threat from her father and the singing of her mother, Esme kindly thanked her parents and Edward made the perfect groom speech... Elizabeth bright aura seemed to be back with the promise of her brother in law to protect her sister.. forever.

it was Elizabeth's turn now; she stood up from her chair near mine,gracefully walked to the stage. the lights made her hair glow like the sun do to our skin... she smiled shyly, averting her eyes with nervousness before she spoke" Good evening! First of all I want to thank all of your for coming and celebrating this beautiful new marriage, especially all those who had to buy a plane ticket and take off work to be here. We so appreciate you. For those who don't know me, allow me to introduce myself. my name is Elizabeth Swan and i'm Bella's older sister " she sighed then look up with a reminiscence gaze " the first time little Bella put her tiny hand around my finger , i made an unspoken promise to her ; to protect her and be there for her whenever" she paused looking directly at her sister " and as the years passed, i grew very protective over little belle, thinking that no one will deserve her heart .. something Dad and i completely agreed on" she chuckles when her dad nodded vigorously making me chuckle myself.

" but i also wholeheartedly believe in love and soul mates... so all i wished for is for her to find it soon and without heartbreaks; because we can't afford dad's hunting trips for the people who caused it" everyone laughs at that then, her eyes focused on mine, making me forget pretending to breath and blink as she continued

"Love ; real love, it's like feeling no fear When you're standing in the face of danger,Cause you just want it so much, to be able to find someone who will fight for her as she does. and with my short time actually getting to meet Edward.. i saw it ... and i think my Bella found her perfect other piece of puzzle" she held her glass up " so cheers to love " as she did so the crowed cheered back before a tone of music silenced them " and this song is dedicated to this beautiful love that we are here to witness " elizabeth showed her million dollar smile when the bride showed her excitement and gratitude.

her voice is one of the strongest spells i have ever been enchanted with.. everyone just froze in time, and i would be lying if i said i want them to be blessed with her voice; as selfishly as i ever let myself feel, i wanted her for myself .

her eyes glowed beautifully and her performance was glamouress and as the song fell to an end... i wanted more! applauded followed and she blushed with a shy smile before getting down and going back to my side. She smiled warmly when my cold hands held hers giving her a light squeeze. We don't need words anymore. Our connection was beyond that .
Alice guided the wedding as she planned, where the bride and groom preformed their first dance... we can tell that Edward was almost holding Bella and guiding her, Elizabeth giggles seeing her little sister blushes.
Soon everyone was dancing
" would you give me the honor to dance with me ?" I ask ,leaning in for her to hear me over the noise but got caught up in her scent .
She smiled and nodded which made me the happiest man alive .
We begun swinging to the music, the way her warm body feels under my cool hands, her curves and her breathing... everything makes me go crazy for her. Sometimes, I think if I ever met her when I was human, I'll fall in love with her so much that I'll go insane or my heart just beats it way to death.
She slowly leaned her head on my chest making me close my eyes in total bliss.
" I love you " she said , and took a deep breath . It should make me feel so happy but somehow, it makes me feel like she is saying it as a form of goodbye

I know I am so late and I think I made so many readers to give up on this book.. pray for me please to get a better job and be able to dedicate my time to this book Because I really love it and love you guys, thank you for your awesome comments it always warms my heart

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