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Elizabeth p.o.v

I gave Edward the keys to my car after insisting to move the heavy luggage to mine and bella's room .

After a good forty minutes in shower, I got out and I changed to a silk pyjamas , deciding not to empty my bags just yet I went downstairs to help making dinner. Edward had to go back to his house, apparently his family had this rule of eating together and all. We made dinner steak and mashed potato Charlie's favorite.
Charlie finally got home, his shocked face was so funny.

I was in my happiest state , I'm finally with my family that I miss . Charlie was so upset for not attending my graduation no matter how much I told him that it wasn't like a ceremony, they just handed us our diplomas.

We ate dinner while Charlie filling me on what happened these past months, I was so sad uncle Harry clearwater passed away. I made a mental note to visit Leah and seth.
And now i'm standing in front of the forest line beside the house smoking and listening to music just gasing at the sky and the trees in the darkness. It was breathtaking scenery, swaying from time to time with the music. The feeling of being watched still there but when I turned to the window behind me, i saw bella's looking at me amused, I beckoned her to come join me but she shook her head declining. I stood there bit longer just touching plants and flowers near me before going back inside and straight to my room.
Bella and I shared the bed, it was silence for a bit till she spoke "Lizzyy can you sing to me? " I smiled at the nickname she gaved me when we were children. "Ofcourse jingle bells " she laid her head on my chest i jently played with her hair while singing her favorite laluby


When I finished she was fast asleep, I smiled at the memories of when she used to refuse sleeping without me singing to her, all I want is to tell her everything. I wish I can tell her that I'm a witch, that my alter ego developed. I wish I could tell her all about my coven and laugh at all the accidents that I did when I was training on my magic. But I can't and it hurts, I'm so happy that she have someone who genuinely loves her. The emotions Edward was projecting were all of love, care and protectivness.
I wish I can find oneday someone who'll show me the same emotions and can accept me completely as I'll accept him or her too.


I woke up in the morning, somehow the window was open maybe bella opened it, I turned to her side, she was sound asleep, I smiled at how peaceful she looks.

I slowly got up and made my way to the bathroom, dad still asleep. I took a quick shower and I brushed my hair and teeth quickly wanting to make a special breakfast to my family.
I got down to the kitchen, and starts baking my famous apple pie, with a little help of magic, it was baked in 15 minutes. I made coffee . The smell of coffee and apple pie fresh from the oven mixed with the morning fresh air was heavenly.

Dad and bella made their way to the kitchen sleeply "what a nice morning, waking up to the smell of apple pie and coffee " dad said sniffing the pie which made me giggle "Why good morning to you too dear father " i said mocking British accent "you woke up so early?" Bella said rubbing her eyes. I smiled warmly and usher them to eat. It was beautiful morning
"Jacob still missing, we tried searching for him in Seattle but only in vain " dad said shaking his head almost looking ashamed of himself not finding him "I'm sure you'll find him dad, just take it easy on your health will ya?" i answered him gently rubbing his back and using my magic to make him less stressful , I on the other hand will find him my way .

finally found you ~Carlisle Cullen ~Where stories live. Discover now