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At the Cullens house

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At the Cullens house.

As soon as Alice, Esme and rosalie entered the house; Edward was on their faces "what do you mean? " addressing the girls.
"I I really don't know, we are so confused. " alice told her mind reading brother. 

The entire family sped to the living room with confusion " i don't like this mental conversation, would you like to share the problem? " Emmett told the clairvoyant and the mind reader while pouting like a kid.
"Where is bella? " Edward asked the females vampires.
"She stayed with her sister, still sleeping "Esme answered the panicked fiancé.
Carlisle appeared next to a very annoyed Elijah.

"are you alright love?" elijah held his wife with concern she nodded with a tight smile.

the cullen family sat in the living room waiting for the females to explain.

"so elizabeth invited us to a sleepover" alice paused looking at her family nodding " when we were there , she offered us homemade food, she was concerned that we are hungry since we didn't ate in launch" emmet grimmaced thinking about how human food tastes like dirt to them
" esme being the nice one, she took a bite from the burritto and guess what!" alice screamed .
" it tastes so good, i could smell and taste the spices, the bread and the chicken peices, it was the best thing i ever ate even for my human life" Esme explained with an unusual hand waves and dramatic tone.

the cullens stood silence, too shocked to process the new information." the chocolate and strawberry pie was so delicious,I coudn't stop eating it" Rosalie gushed .

Edward saw it all in their mind.he heard the confusion and the taste.Carlisle was now too curious to know how this happens.

" that's not possible... you are saying that you, not just tasted human food but your body processes it." Carlisle whisperd still stunned .

"she could be a witch, witches excist" Edward stated

"no,if she was a witch, i would've recognise her  a mile away. furthermore, witches aren't able to make us taste food like we did in our human life nor make a cold one eats it, " Elijah replied. his eyes not leaving his mate out of deep concern.

carlisle stood up" i must have a look at your digestive systems,so i can build a theory" the girls nodded following their head coven to his office,which he has his own medical room inside.


i coudn't find any defect in any of the girls system,the venom successfully digested the food as it did to blood.i have never seen something like this.

"does this means that we can actually feed on human food made by Elizabeth, and it will  quench our thirst?" jasper spoke,overwhelmed by his surroundings emotions so as his own.

"i feel like i just drunk a deer herd,but now i'm slightly thirsty but not the uncomfortable way" rosalie answered her"twin" 

"what about Elizabeth? does that make her not human? is it some kind of devoloped gift of hers?" edward's questions were many but so as the cullen family. it was something unusual,fascinating,even for a family of vampires that lived for decades.

elizabeth remained a mystery, but somehow they did not sense danger in the unknown.

So, what you guys think? 

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