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The house grew quiet, the vampire family has been through a rough two days fighting wolves and worrying about the two sisters that are unconscious. Carlisle couldn't move from his mate's side, confused and devastated seeing her in pain but can't get out of the state of unconsciousness.
He blames himself for not being there and blames himself for not finding a solution. He couldn't stop this and now his soulmate is laying unconscious because of it.
Edward was worried too, being too late, looking at his wife fragile body makes him want to die a million times but one thing is keeping him strong for his Bella. Their daughter.
Renesmee looked healthy and happy. She looked six months old now and is rapidly growing but that's a problem for another day. For now, his little girl needs him to be strong for her and her mother.
The wolves stopped attacking when Jacob imprinted on his daughter, which really angered him, but neither him or Jacob can control that. All he's been holding onto is the fact that his family is safe and his Bella is turning. He was very worried about her sister. She looked in pain but can't break away from her unconsciousness. If it wasn't for her, he would've been too late in injecting his venom or his wife couldn't handle that pain and her organs would've gave out way before he could help her.
" my love, find your way to me" Carlisle whispered next to the unconscious witch.
" please, I can't stand existing without seeing your beautiful eyes " he continued.
The house grew quiet as the last heartbeats of Bella was heard echoing in the vampires and wolf ears. The newly vampire was fully turned and it'll be only a matter of seconds till she opens her eyes. Edward walked to the room where Bella was laying in the middle of, waiting.
In the other side, Elizabeth stopped convulsing and grimacing and now she looks calmed. Her black hair slowly turned light brown and her pale skin became rosy as Lana shifted away. Carlisle stood unnaturally still he too waiting for his mate.
Bella opened her eyes the same time Elizabeth did. Her green eyes looked directly at Carlisle's face as Bella's red eyes looked around her confused and fascinated.
" my love" Carlisle spoke feeling so much relief he'd cry if he could.
" Bella? Is she?" Was the first thing the witch said, already worried.
Carlisle handed her a cup of water and help her sit up.
" she just woke up too" he told her making her relax.
"I want to see her " she asked after finishing the glass of cold water.
The elder vampire shook his head
" not yet. She needs to ... hunt" he told her.
Elizabeth blinked disoriented for a bit. She couldn't connect her clumsy peaceful sister with hunting and primal instincts that may drive her to hurt her own sister.
She nodded defeated. " but you can see your niece" Carlisle was quick to say in an attempt to make his mate feel better.
Elizabeth smiled nodding and trying to move but Carlisle was quick to scoop her up like she weighs nothing.
He walked slowly for her not to feel dizzy with movement after three days of unconsciousness.
He held her closer enjoying her heat and parfum. He could finally calm down a little now that his mate is awake and looks better. His son is happy with his newly turned wife which he can hear asking for her daughter and sister.

Edward chose to take his wife from the back to hunt first and Carlisle went downstairs to put Elizabeth on the comfortable couch, constantly monitoring her and her health.
Rosalie walked in the living room with a smile on her face holding a beautiful baby-girl that's smiling. She looks few months old and already is growing teeth.

Elizabeth gushed seeing her. " awww, hi sweetheart. Hii " Rosalie put the baby carefully on the witch lap.
Jacob sat next to Elizabeth like a personal bodyguard for the baby but Elizabeth didn't question him yet. She was too busy meeting her beautiful niece that's smiling up to her. Her small hands stretched up and Elizabeth leaned toward her touch only to have visions. Memories of the baby's first recognising her voice. Then feeling her energy, understanding that she's helping her and gratitude.
She saw a last vision of Lana with her eyes fully white levitating a bit  and passing out then it stopped.
" wow" she breathed.
Rosalie nodded " it's her gift. She can show you her memories and her thoughts " she told her.
Elizabeth blinked " she's very special. And growing fast " the witch frowned.
" we still don't have an answer to that yet. Have you seen something like this? Read about it?" He asked curiously.
Elizabeth tried to think of all the information she has but shook her head. " I can't think of anything similar to this but I can ask the coven?"
" what no! What if they tried to hurt nessy !" The werewolf panicked.
Elizabeth looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
" Jacob? I thought you'd leave after seeing Bella turned?" She looked at him and the wolf looked down blushing.
" haha! Yeah tell her Jacob " Emmett laughed at the werewolf that looks like he has his tale between his legs.
" umm you see.. we can't control it right. I didn't mean to.. imprint on renesmee "
Elizabeth gasped holding the baby tighter
" you did what! Are you crazy? Bella will kill you !" She scolded him
"I didn't do it on purpose !" He argued back. Elizabeth sighed already having a headache.
" it was the thing that saved her and all of you from the pack" he added.
She looked at him grimacing. She forgot about the pack's danger.

" I don't know what to say but just be ready for a punch or two from a newly turned vampire " she shrugged looking at Renesmee that's still in her lap.
" here dear, I made you a veggies soup and grilled cheese to eat before you take your vitamins." Esmee walked to Elizabeth with a tray of food.
Rosalie got closer to the witch to take Renesmee so she can eat first.
" thank you, I'm sorry I frightened you all. I still can't control that much amount of my powers." She looked down remembering the immense pain she was in. Like burning alive from every vein she has. It was horrible and she couldn't get out of that state but she won't share that information in fear of worrying her mate even more.
" it's delicious thank you"
Esmee smiled warmly as the family came to check on Elizabeth before giving Carlisle and her some privacy.
She sighed after eating and taking some vitamins and leaned on Carlisle's chest. He held her comfortably without saying anything, only providing comfort and closeness. She hummed feeling peaceful and finally after long days. She felt relaxed in his arms closing her eyes and enjoying his calming scent.
" I love you. And I miss you" she mumbled. She missed them not worrying about their loved ones and focusing on their bond and blissful feelings.
Carlisle stroke her hair with a warm smile.
" I love you too. And I missed us being in peace together my love." She nodded agreeing and he leaned over to catch her lips in a sweet and soft kiss that they both terribly needed.

A/N: hello my dears. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your support and beautiful messages. You encourage me to pour myself in words and get creative. Ily stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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