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Elizabeth p.o.v

Okey, just breaths

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Okey, just breaths ..
you'll be fine.. just try to explain ... I'm sure they'll understand
I have been repeating this in my head for over five hours on the plane and still I don't believe it.
I'm so scared of confrontation and I know I just ghosted them with no explanation.. ofcourse they'll hate me and maybe Carlisle won't want to see me...
I look down at my lap trying to hold my tears.. I was just token by surprise and very shocked... this stuff needs time and I was scared ... I still am scared, it's not only me that will be in danger but the entire ,already dying, coven ... but I can't live in lies anymore, i can't hide this from them.. especially my love, I sigh, nothing hurt more than being away from him.
I wish he'd understand me though

I understand why they didn't tell me about their real nature .. and I was literally blinded by love to notice the abnormalities.. you can't just say ' hey btw babe.. I know we are only dating for less than a month and your young sister is marrying my adopted son but .. we are vampires and we lived for hundreds of years and we only drink blood" to a woman you only dated for few weeks..
I don't even know how Bella figured it out but I bet she did by her own.. she is very intuitive , can ask questions and go above and beyond in order to answer them .

In less then four hours.. I found myself few miles away from the Cullen house.
I hid my scent first, and muffled my steps.. I don't even know why I did so but i feel so nervous already that I do unexplainable things along the way.
I stood in front of the fancy house..gosh I miss it.. I missed forks breeze, I missed the fully green view with the modern house standing in the middle like it fell from the sky.

I always wondered how they managed to build it in the middle of the forest with such impeccable attention to details.. but then again.. they are vampires, I bet one or two of them has a degree in decor or engineering .
The moment I was going to knock I accidentally dropped my cover and immediately after that , I heard the voice of Alice gasping and suddenly the door fly open and I was met by the familiar silhouette of the pixie vampire and those vibrant golden eyes.
My mouth went dry and I couldn't find the words to begin but she cut me off
" you have So much explaining to do but before that you better get to his room " Alice said fast not leaving time for me to reply , she took my hand in her cold ones and dragged me along with her to the glass stairs I missed so much .
" what are you talking about?" I wondered and she ignored me and kept dragging me to the very known room.... Carlisle's

My heart starts to hurt my ribs from how fast it beat and I couldn't help but feel baffled and scared.
" he's really not okey.. get inside and we will discuss other things later" Alice voice has strange strictness in it and a little desperation.
I look at the cream white door and as soon as I breathed out and tried to reach for the knob
Alice disappeared from next to me.

my shaky hands barely could function and turn the knob correctly to open the door and my sight was met by total blackness . the room that i loved so much and is carved in my memory with happy moments look like a gloomy cave.

my heart shatters over and over and i barely could hold my sob when i saw my love in the middle of the room looking so broken and disheveled.

his blonde hair sticks out in the dark, his pale skin looks chalky and his under eyes has purplish bruises

" carlisle?" i breathed out his name trying not to let my voice break. i can never forgive myself if i was the one who caused him this amount of suffering

he looks up, with an abnormal speed, his sight zeroed on me but he frowned and looked back down

" why will my mind keep torturing me this way! have i not been suffering enough" he breathed like he speaks to himself

i dragged my feet closer to him and reached to touch him to make him know that i'm real

" my love, i'm here. baby please look at me" i begged,

as soon as my hand touched his arm, and the usual tingles i always get when i touch him must have alerted him that it really is me

he looked up at me and my tears fell freely on my face

" Elizabeth?" he spoke, i nodded while reaching to cradle his face between my palms

" i'm here baby... i'm so soorryy" i sobbed, he blinked and his hands held mine

i can see him a lot better because of the light that the open door is providing and lana and I feels so guilty and horrible

his cheeks sunken and he looks malnourished

" Elizabeth" he repeated like it's the only words he can speak which made me sob even harder

i closed my eyes and pictured my magic running threw me and to him.

i prayed for my ancestors to help me make him better and the heat of my magic made his coal black eyes open wide, his entire body glows in the dark with my magic and I gave it all to heal him .
I can see him slowly turn to his healthy state while my energy slowly decayed.
Lana and I were exhausted emotionally more than physically and I couldn't keep holding onto my conscious state anymore.
Before my body hit the floor, Carlisle swiftly held my body to his and the last thing I remembered was his scent enveloping me like a warm blanket.

I could've died right there because he was beside me .

A/N hey beautiful readers, I hope you liked this chapter..
if you took the time to read this please know how devastating it is to work so hard to bring new ideas for a fan fiction book and process how to write it and the stressful thinking of how to make the plot smooth..
and then you find other writers steal your ideas and use it .
I understand that I can't have any claim to my own ideas because it's the internet and anyone can just copy and paste your chapter and you wouldn't even know .. but still , it breaks my heart to read a Carlisle fanfic with my own ideas in it .. they don't even change the wordings!
Thank you for reading my ramblings

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