~deux ~

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Hey lovelies, happy valentine ❤❤.
Carlisle was in his hospital's office filling up some papers,faint opera music in the background to distract his heightened hearing from the voices of people in the hospital.

His phone turned off showing the callerID Edward. He swiftly press answer. the voice of his first adopted son came rushing throw the phone "Carlisle you need to leave the hospital right now and come to the house as fast as you can " he spoke with vampire speed, Carlisle immediately was on his feet taking off his white coat "is something wrong? " he asked his son, his voice filled with worry. "No nothing is wrong but we have something to tell you and its extremely important " . he told his son that he is on his way. He took his keys and the leather bag and took off after sighing out of the hospital. The ride home was fast, faster than usual, Carlisle'S mind filled with worry. Finally, he parked his silk black Mercedes in the garage and speed inside the house.
The entire family was already in the living room , he noticed that most of them were smiling toward him while Emmett holding a large smirk in his face looking like he has so much to tease him for .Carlisle was clueless and growing impatient. "What's going on? " he asked them trying to read their reaction as much as he can,his sister Esme let go of her Elijah's 's hand  and walked toward him with a soft smile, she lead him to sit next to Edward and bella's couch. He turned his attention to Edward as obviously they decided that his the one to explain "Carlisle, we found who your mate is and what's her name and where she is "Edward finished his sentence with a grin in his face, all the emotions passed in Carlisle's face, happiness, excitement, relief, confusion to anxiety "th that's ummm splendid, does Alice has a vision? "So many questions was in his mind but he seems only capable to question that. "No "Edward answered. Leaving him in more confusion than before. "Actually, your mate is Bella's older sister " he was shocked. He turned to look at bella as if he was asking for confirmation to Edward's words. "Yes, my big sister is the one on the portrait. But I'm not sure if it's only a look a like or she is your mate " Bella answers the unquestioned question . "No. She is his mate I now saw it clearly that I have a name and a place to that person, it's a lot easier. Carlisle, I saw her in the wedding. And hugging bella, I saw her ranting about some embarrassing bella's childhood stories with us. " Alice confirmed. Carlisle only want to know where is she now and why they never saw her all this three years, "she lives in London "Edward answered his thoughts turning to bella "Why haven't we saw her before. Didn't she visit? " "she did visit me before coming to forks,and she visited me and Charlie after you guys moved. I even called her to call dad and tell him I was visiting her when I went to Italy with Alice. 
Carlisle was very excited, he wants to know everything about her which is understandable. He was waiting for centuries for this moment. Edward asked bella to tell them more about her sister for carlisle sake, and for that carlisle thanked him in his mind. Bella nodded. "Her name is Elizabeth, she is four years older than me, she is not my biological sister. Her parents were great friends with my parents since childhood, Charlie and Renee are her godfather and godmother. Her parents died in a car crash , fortunately, she was being babysit by renne . She had no other family members so renne and Charlie adopted her immediately. She is smart, funny and very protective when it comes to her family and love ones. She was more of a mother to me than Renee, she used to read to me all the time. She is obsessed with plants and forest. Anything green and natural. She never been in a relationship because she believes that someone out there being her missing piece and one day she just will know it's him or her . When she turned 15 out of nowhere she decided to study European mythology as a major in college and she worked so hard for that to happen. I remember I was so mad at her leaving me to go study in London,  Especially when mom remarried, I'm so happy that you are here mate and I'm sure you going to treat her right and take care of her "
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