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I remember the letter was sealed with maroon wax

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I remember the letter was sealed with maroon wax. I hesitated to open it but eventually I did, and right then and there my life changed.
The first thing I noticed was a symbol

I felt like I know what it means but some kind of barrier holding me from remembering

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I felt like I know what it means but some kind of barrier holding me from remembering. I dismissed it and began to read the context. 
My baby girl Elizabeth,
If you are reading this in your sixteenth birthday then your father and I are long gone.
Happy birthday baby. I wish you are living a better life more than we would provide. I wished if I could tell you this while looking at your beautiful face. I wish If I could have watched you grow to the beautiful young lady I'm sure you are. But I'm always watching over you and I'll never let any harm touch you my beautiful girl. You are a very special girl, and I'm not telling you this just because I'm your mother. I know you might experienced some weird things lately. But if you didn't notice I must explain to you your destiny my child. We have magic in our blood. We are powerful women in our family. Since the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, our ancestors were known of power and wisdom along with witchcraft. You and I are witches my baby girl  . I know how terrifying that feels but if you read the book with this letter. And most of all read what is bellow so you'll get help. Fear not my child, and always follow your heart.
I had to read it many times to understand that it was my mom writing to me and most of all we are witches? .at first it was unbelievable, but when I remember her writing about me reading what's bellow, I found that it is a spell. How? I don't know.
I took a long breaths to calm my self. All these informations made my heading pounds. I opened my eyes and began chanting the spell.

Et diebus meis invocabo spiritus est.meorum testor me duce se sonores mutatas in eam invehitur sic fiat semper.

As I finished i heard a voice in my head gasping for air. I turned abruptly around thinking it was Charlie or bella but I was alone. I was confused and scared. Seconds after I heard a voice similar to mine in my head saying "ego protector tuus sum Lana tenent diriget viribus tuis. Hodie feci juramento ad servanda pro nostra deducat origine gentem. Et sint mihi in testimonium. "
I thought I went crazy or hallucinating. A sharp pain in my head distracted me from my inner turmoil, and I started writhing in pain. I bearly could hide the letter and the book under my bed before I collapsed on it sweating and drained from energy.
I couldn't regonise the day from the night anymore. I was in extreme pain , I couldn't move a muscle.  I could hear voices around me, Charlie's worried voice talking with Billy black about how i get worse. Sometimes when I managed to open my eyes for a little bit. I could see bella crying and Sue's warm face as she's trying to cool my fever. Billy's confused face trying to hold my body from thrashing out of bed whenever the pain was impossible. 

A/N.  Dear readers, thank you for supporting my book and thank you for being so patient with me. This is a short chapter that I managed to write during study breaks. I hope you enjoy it.

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