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Carlisle p.o.v

 Edward spoke cutting me from my drooling "I've noticed something quite strange about Elizabeth"  i looked his way perplexed and quite angry about his choice of words "i apologize for my choice of words, but she had something ...different in her mind" getting impatient i answered"would you care to elaborate?" he just shook off my voice tone and continued"her mind isn't silent like Bella's . she has a very clear and vivid mind ,i can read her thoughts and images as clear as vampires thoughts, but sometimes it just...disappear.  almost like shut down and get silenced . sometimes in the middle of a very intense self-conversation"i was shocked from what I've heard but more curious, maybe she has the ability to silence her thoughts whenever,"not if she doesn't know that someone can read her mind'" Edward answered my thoughts  i nod understanding his answer . 

 both the girls are now in their room , Edward and i got closer to the house both of us seeking the comfort of having our mates as near as possible , i have heard Bella asking her to sing for her.

i thought that my mate is so perfect and there is no way it can be more perfect than she already is ,but i thought wrong,her voice was a fantasy ,like a siren , i found my self listening more,, like absorbing every syllable she sang .  when she finished i can hear the steady breaths of who i assume was Bella's . Edward nods confirming my thought . he seems focused on Elizabeth's thoughts ,smiling sometimes while sharing with me what she is thinking, about her and Bella's childhood . 

Edward's frustration of  her sudden mind silence  was comical ,he relied on his ability for so many years that it freaked him out when he can't read someone's thoughts such as Bella,  but to his shortage of reading Élisabeth's mind was peculiar,and somehow i like it . 

  the steadiest of Elizabeth's breaths encouraged us to sneak in their bedroom ,which if you asked me last week about such behaviour I'd say is childish and bit bizarre , but now i feel like ill do anything to stay close to her . Edward's smirk somehow irritates me and the volturi lord is threatening to come out .

i had to focus my senses on her and only her ,her hair is a caramel colour shining despite the darkness of the room . her features are soft and relaxed it almost made me feel the comfort of sleep too. the hours fly by and we had to leave . 

we got back to the house to see Alice and jasper going hunting , Esme is making sure everything clean while Elijah is probably feeding on someone before compelling them to forget . unlike us 'the cold ones' he can control  and stop himself  and they have no venom in their system ,they burn under the sun and they need to be invited in order to get inside a house. but we share a mutual blood desire and are mated . we are different species sharing immortality and blood lust. 

i had to get my mind of the torture of waiting ,so i went to the library .after rereading a couple of books ,Alice barged in telling me to get ready. before going trough a mini freak out ,Alice saved the day and already arranged what I'll wear . after thanking her i rushed to the shower and vamp speed the process . if i didn't look like a love struck teenager before ,I am sure i do now.

we all stood in the living room trying to look normal ,i can hear the engine of Edward's car making it way to the house ,when the car finally stopped in the highway my ears instantly found her heartbeats followed by chuckles and then her beautiful voice holding so much emotions ,Esme's bright smile can be seen from Mars   when she heard my mate's complimenting her work ,and we all chuckled at her excitement ,if it wasn't for Elijah holding her close ,i'm sure she would be welcoming her at the door but Alice was already there  . i guess Alice used a little extra force to hug my mate which caused a throaty growl coming from the volturi lord . i tried to calm myself and him down because i can see the concerned looks my family was giving me. she finally came to view and again looking like a goddess with her innocent smile and her simple attire that look so good on her . i was cut short from my drooling with the biggest laugh coming from Edward which made the situation awkward that everyone is frozen and nobody made the effort to speak. as always my life saving sister took the initiative to speak ,she gently approached her so to not intimidate her and introduced her self and the family  ,somehow the Major took over which makes the volturi lord and i extremely  alert . we were all surprised that the major was being all gentlemen with her and she wasn't one bit intimidated by his aura . so many surprises which only makes my women very special , when our eyes locked ,i felt a surge of energy that made me shiver . I've never felt such urge to just  hold her and it became almost impossible to restrain the volturi lord ,her cheeks tinted with a beautiful rosy colour  but that instant blood flow did not make any of us uncomfortable. i reached for her hand trying to cover how much i'm craving physical contact with her ,her hands were so soft and  warm ,the surge of electricity rushing throughout my entire body and centred inside my unbeating heart ,hoping that the purring of the volturi lord won't be heard by her i start speaking "pleasure to meet you miss swan" i can feel the smile in my face that i can't stop. her eyes widened a little, her heart quickened and the smell of sweet vanilla ,strawberry  and something sweet filled my nose making the volturi lord growl in satisfaction and arousal . "the pleasure is all mine and please call me Elizabeth or elli or liz or lizzy" she chuckled and shook her head making her caramel soft curls moves and landing smoothly on top of her breast, only Edward clearing his throat snapped me and again if i was human i'd be blushing and sweating . 

Esme and Elizabeth instantly clicked and they are discussing everything ,she spoke about her on-line business of selling scented candles. she seems genuinely loving that occupation . somehow i found myself holding a cup of tea like the rest of the family ,some of us pretending to sip from it but i don't think that's necessary since i noticed that she never shows curiosity or suspension toward any of our strange  characteristics ,jasper seem very relaxed even with the present of Bella's scent . 

Alice finally got impatient and dragged  her to see the cottage ,she seems not to mind Alice's bubbly personality  ,which sometimes people think it's weird ,she didn't even question her words when she told her "i know you'll love it ". 

nother chapter is out. I hope you'll enjoy reading it.
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