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Elizabeth p.o.v ♡

Now that I'm snuggling in this comfy couch, my mind wandered to today's happenings.
It was so much to grasp, I still can't believe that I found my mate, my other half. And he is a Greek God. It scares me how much attraction i feel toward him though he didn't say much, much to my demise.
All I could do was trying to distract myself from him, his angelic features, his blonde hair. God knows I tried to hold myself, but my thoughts went wild and unholy. Especially my alter, lana, she was going crazy for him already and I can't blame her.
His family were very nice and I already considered Esme my best friend. She is incredibly nice, talented and just so motherly beautiful. I ranted about England and about my undying love of scented candles. I felt so comfortable despite lana's yelling and her constant need to look at Carlisle.
After I got dragged by little but strong Alice, I needed a couple minutes to stop gushing at the cute cottage in the middle of forest but somehow they managed to bring civilization and safety to it. I was stunned when I saw the decor, i could've swear the indoor decor was picked just for me, like someone really knew my taste and decorated according to it,but then again Esme was a great interior designer.
We were planning to go to an all girls lunch together so we can bond more and have our unending rants without the mens scoffs,but it all got cancelled when Charlie called me for a father daughter lunch, I of course agreed, i can't say no to him for trying to bond with me. Edward snatched bella from me as soon as the thought of giving him the sister talk. That boy has a great sense of danger. We said our goodbyes after I promised the girls with an all day girls day soon, which made Alice very happy and excited.
Everyone went back to the main house after they helpedme with my luggage, except carlisle, he lingered for a bit which caused a really awkward silence and my heart  races. Before he spoke "i hope you'll enjoy your stay here, if you need anything please contact me immediatly and anytime " he handed me his phone number card with a million dollar smile. I was bedazzled and I bearly could respond with a polite thankyou.

Next chapter will be out tomorrow

finally found you ~Carlisle Cullen ~Where stories live. Discover now