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'AM I THINKING STRAIGHT? HE DID FOLLOW ME BACK?' luna thought to herself

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'AM I THINKING STRAIGHT? HE DID FOLLOW ME BACK?' luna thought to herself. she was taken aback from what just happened. audrey saw luna's eyes glued to her screen, making them look over at what she was doing.

audrey took an exasperated gasp, "WILBUR SOOT FUCKING FOLLOWS YOU?" luna quickly shut her up and put her index finger up to her lips, telling her to shut up.

audrey grabbed her wrist, pulling her into the kitchen. "explain." they quickly said, luna opened her mouth but closed it after, putting her finger to her chin to think of some way to explain it.

"okay so- basically, i followed him and he followed me back. simple" she smiled, audrey looked at her suspiciously. "now can you please shut the fuck up about it?"

"how can i shut the fuck up when my bestfriend got followed by a hot tall musician man! its like a love story lu, this is your chance to no longer be lonely for once in your life!"

"says you! you've been single for years! and i'm not lonely"

"atleast i've dated someone! it's obviously a lie, we all know that you're lonely. just admit it, the truth hurts." audrey smirked.

they heard footsteps approaching the kitchen, estelle jumped when she saw them there. "jesus- what are you guys doing here?"

"oh nothing, just talking" audrey said, walking away from the kitchen. estelle and luna looked at eachother, luna shrugged, walking away a few steps behind audrey.

they walked to the living, maesie sat on the sofa, looking for a movie on the TV. they heard the footsteps and looked behind her, looking at audrey and luna. 

maesie turned back to look at the TV and tried to pick a movie. luna laid her head on maesie's shoulder, they pushed her off but luna put her head back. 

luna stared at the TV as maesie continued to scroll through the different movies. estelle came back from the kitchen with chips in her hands for everyone.

"still picking a movie?" she asked. maesie nodded, keeping her eyes to the TV screen. luna sighed, snatching the remote and picking the first movie that came to her mind. 

the perks of being a wallflower, "see. easy" she teased them. 


she looked away from the screen, her eyes scanned through the room. maesie and estelle had fallen asleep, audrey was just doing something on their phone.

luna stood up from the sofa, patting audrey on the shoulder. "i'm going to bed now" she told them, audrey nodded. 

luna walked quietly to the guest bedroom where she was going to sleep. she opened the door and laid down on the bed, covering herself with the blanket. 

she closed her eyes, trying to sleep. but she just wasn't tired, she flipped the pillow and laid her head back on it. she still couldn't sleep. 

she grabbed her phone and went to do whatever she really felt like, she opened twitter and messaged him. 

(i don't use twitter, i apologize if it's actually not what it says LOL)



hello mr. soot (?)
how do you feel now that the one and only famous 
person (aka me) has followed you🤔🧐

luna only sent the messages for, y'know, the fun of it. she didn't really expect a message back but somehow he did.

hello mr. soot (?)
how do you feel now that the one and only famous
person (aka me) has followed you🤔🧐

Wilbur Soot
who? sorry i don't 
know you

well, i'll introduce myself ig 🙄
i'm luna katz, i mostly stream mc and
yea, that's it
idk what else to say

Wilbur Soot
well, hello then
i'm wilbur
how are you doing this fine evening?

i am doing alright
what about you?

Wilbur Soot
i'm doing good
i should go to sleep

yeah same LOL

Wilbur Soot
goodnight :)

luna turned off her phone and closed her eyes, hoping that tired her down a bit.

she tossed and turned on the bed, trying to get comfortable. she wanted to turn her phone back on but it was 3am, almost 4.

"i cant fucking sleep" she mumbled to herself

luna was always able to fall asleep as soon as she closes her eyes. but why now? why can't she sleep? she groaned, closing her eyes and forcing herself to just... sleep.

once she finally relaxed, she was able to fall asleep.


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WRITTEN : MAY 12, 2021

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