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LUNA LOOKED AT THE TIME ON HER PHONE, 2:38am. she felt lonely, then she got a genius idea. she called wilbur, it rung a few times before he picked up the phone. "hello?" he whispered, "wilbur! let's get a cat" luna said cheerfully, wilbur stayed silent.

"pardon?" he stuttered, "can we get a cat together?" 

he sighed, "it's 2 am, why" he rubbed his temples, "i don't see why not" luna shrugged. wilbur sighed again and spoke up. "Fine, come pick me up though."

"okay! be there in 10" and like she hung up, she grabbed her car keys and phone. she put on her shoes and walked out her flat, locking the door.

she sprinted to the elevator, walking to the parking after. she walked to her car and sat inside of it. she started to drive, she was very excited to say the least.

about 10 minutes after, she arrived to his flat. wilbur was already waiting for her then. she unlocked the doors for him, he walked up to the door and opened it.

"hi," he sat down, luna smiled. "hi, so. cat?" she asked, wilbur laughed. "alright, let's go" he grinned.

luna started to drive once again and drove to the nearest pet shop, which was actually quite close.

wilbur put his hand on her knee as she drove, soon enough, they arrived. luna turned off the car and walked out of the car, wilbur doing the same. they walked inside the shop, hand in hand.  

they walked to the cat section and scanned through all the cats, luna walked until one of them caught her attention. when luna stopped walking, so did wilbur. 

"you like that one?" he asked, luna looked at him and nodded. "it's so cute!" she exclaimed quietly.

"yeah, it is" 

someone approached them, "hello! do you guys need any help?" they asked. wilbur and luna looked at eachother, "hi, yes. could we get this cat please?" luna pointed to the cat.

the person nodded, "of course, give me second please" the person walked away from them and to the cat. they grabbed the cat and got it into a cage.

they walked back to them, "follow me" they said, walking to the front of the shop. wilbur and luna followed them.


"wilbur" luna said, wilbur looked at her. "we have a cat now!" she hugged him, wilbur laughed and hugged her back. "yeah, we do!" he exclaimed cheerfully.

"what should we name him" she asked, wilbur thought for a bit. luna doing the same.

"what about.. rue! or ozzie?" she suggested, wilbur nodded. "i think ozzie is a nice name" he smiled. "ozzie it is!"

luna drove to her flat, after they got all the things a cat needs. she was going to take wilbur to her house but wilbur said he was going to stay over at her flat. luna agreed and just went straight to her home.

luna got there, she took the cat while wilbur took the things they had bought for him. she apologized to him for making him take the heavy things, he shook his head and told her it was no big deal.

they stood in front of her door, she unlocked the door and walked inside. she took off her shoes and put the cat cage down. she opened the cage door and let the cat get comfortable. 

ozzie walked out on his own and approached luna. he sat next to her. wilbur was in the kitchen while luna was in the living room. 

"he has taken a liking for you, i see" he leaned on the doorway of the living room, she nodded. "who wouldn't like me" she joked.

wilbur walked over to her and sat next to her, he laid his head on her shoulder. she looked over at him and smiled. wilbur took at glance at her and saw her looking, "what are you looking at" he grinned, luna looked back at ozzie and shook her head.

"nothing, you're just.. nevermind" she rubbed ozzie's fur and let him get more comfortable with her. his head tilted and continued to look at her.

"i'm what? finish your sentence, love" he teased, luna shook her head. "it's nothing" she grinned. he looked at her and just shrugged it off. ozzie walked away from luna and over to wilbur, she gasped.

"ozzie! you're so mean" she said jokingly, wilbur laughed. "guess i'm just that likeable" 

"i guess, you are" she jokingly rolled her eyes, wilbur took his head off her shoulder and looked at her. luna looked back at him as well and tilted her head.

"take a picture, it'll last longer" she teased, wilbur took out his phone from his pocket and took a picture. luna laughed, "i didn't mean actually but, pop off i guess" 

ozzie climbed into wilbur's lap and got comfortable there, "i think ozzie likes me more than you" he grinned, she shook her head.

"of course not! ozzie likes me more, he's just getting more comfortable with you"

"sure," he chuckled, he leaned his head against her shoulder again, he pet ozzie and rubbed under his chin. 

"i think, we did a good decision" luna said, "more like you did. i only went along with it" wilbur explained.

"yeah but, it's our cat."

"true, i'm glad we did this"

luna yawned and played with wilbur's hair. wilbur looked at her and asked, "tired?" luna nodded. "a bit, sleep?"

wilbur grabbed ozzie and held him in his arms, he walked to her bedroom, luna following behind him.

he placed ozzie on her bed, letting him walk around. luna walked to the bed and laid on the bed, she got comfortable on the bed. wilbur laid down next to her, wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

he kissed her forehead, "goodnight" he whispered. luna closed her eyes. "g'night, love you" and like that she had already fallen asleep.

wilbur placed ozzie in between them, and closed his eyes. soon enough, he had already fallen asleep.

 soon enough, he had already fallen asleep

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𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now