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"DON'T LEAVE MEEEE" luna whined, niki was grabbing her luggage since she was leaving soon. "if i could, i would stay all the time i want! but sadly i need to go!" niki was currently trying to get luna off her, luna was hugging niki and not letting go

"why don't you move here" luna suggested, niki thought about it. "i'll think about it but as for right now, i need to go back to germany!" niki exclaimed, luna let go of the girl. the thought of niki leaving scared her, she knew it was gonna happen at some point but time went so fast.

luna laid down on the bed, her flight was at 11:46pm and it was currently 5:39pm so they had to get going soon. (idk if its just my family but everytime we go on a plane, we get there like 3 or 4 hours early-)

fundy had left a week before so it was only niki here, wilbur was coming with her to leave niki at the airport. they had to leave in about 15 minutes, luna KNEW that this was coming. she just didn't expect it to come so soon

niki looked back at the girl and sat down next to her, "i'll come back, at some point. i'll come back" niki hugged the girl, "i want you to stay here." luna muttered into the hug, niki laughed. 

"you sound like a child" luna laughed a bit with her, "do you promise you'll come back?" luna asked, looking at the girl. niki nodded and stuck out her pinky finger, luna interlocked her pinky with niki's. "i promise." niki stated proudly, luna smiled and stood up from the bed. 

"we still have to pick up wilbur so let's go!" luna exclaimed, she walked out of the guest room and into the the entrance. niki walked behind her, bag in hand. they put on their shoes and walked out, they went inside the elevator and then to her car. 

niki put her bag in the boot and she sat in the passenger seat, they started to drive to wilbur's. after a bit they got there,

 luna had texted him and told him that they were waiting for him. wilbur walked out of the lobby and into her car, he sat in the back seat. 

"hi niki, hi lulu" wilbur said as he sat in the car, luna started to drive. they were having a conversation, after a while of driving, luna entered the airport property. 

luna continued to drive and went infront of the airport, she stopped there and looking back at niki. she got out of her car and helped niki get her bags out, niki grabbed all her bags and stood infront of the doors.

before she walked in, she looked back at luna. she gave her a big hug, "i'm gonna miss you. i'm gonna miss you a lot" niki mumbled, luna nodded. 

they both let go of the hug, they both looked at eachother. "have a good flight!" luna waved goodbye, and like that niki walked inside the airport doors. 

luna looked like she was on the verge of tears but that's okay i guess, wilbur looked at the shorter and gave her a hug. 

"i can drive if you want," wilbur offered, luna nodded her head. wilbur walked to the drivers door and luna got inside of the passenger door, wilbur started to drive.

as he drove, he took small glances at luna. luna was looking outside the window and looking like if someone had died, wilbur sighed and grabbed her hand,

"don't act like she's never gonna come back, she's gonna come back at some point and you know it," wilbur smiled

luna smiled back at him, "but i'll still miss her" wilbur squeezed her hand in reassurance, "you can survive with her, plus you have me" 

luna laughed with wilbur, they both continued the car drive in comfortable silence, making small conversation here and there but mostly they were both just enjoying eachothers company.

they soon came to a stop at luna's flat, luna looked at wilbur which wilbur was, as always already looking back at her. "aren't you gonna go to your flat?" luna asked, wilbur shook his head. "i'm gonna stay here forever" wilbur joked,

god, how much luna wished that were true. luna laughed and got out of the car, they walked to the elevator then to her door.

she unlocked the door and walked inside, she took off her shoes and so did wilbur. "alright, what do you want to do?" luna asked, looking back at wilbur while walking to the living room, luna following behind her.

they both sat down on the couches next to eachother, wilbur thought for a bit then spoke up. "movies?" he asked, luna shrugged. "whatever you want darling" luna said, smiling at wilbur's red face.

"movies it is then," wilbur replied after his face wasn't so red. "okay, can we watch all the harry potter movies?" luna asked as she stood up from the couch, wilbur looked at luna and nodded.

luna clapped her hands together, "i'm gonna go get blankets!" luna exclaimed as she walked into her bedroom, wilbur giggled and walked to the kitchen to make popcorn. he looked in the pantry and found some microwave popcorn and put it in the microwave.

he set the time and waited till the time was over, he looked for a cup to serve himself some water. he felt someone hug him from behind, he looked and saw luna there, hugging his waist from behind.

luna giggled and buried herself more into him, wilbur just laughed and continued to look for a cup. after he found one, he went into the fridge and served himself some water. he had already served himself water and luna was still hugging onto him, wilbur laughed and removed her from him.

they both walked to the living room and sat in the couch, luna grabbed the tv controller and searched for the harry potter movies on the tv. after finding the first movie, harry potter and the sorcerers stone, luna grabbed a blanket and snuggled up into wilbur. 

wilbur put his arm on luna's waist and pulled her closer leaving barely any space between them, while luna was so concentrated on the movie, wilbur was concentrated on the beautiful girl in his arms.

the relationship with this beautiful girl was going to grow and bloom, like a flower. they started off as a seed, not knowing eachother and so. as they got to know eachother the flower started to grow, and will soon turn into a flower. let's hope the flower that will soon bloom, stays alive forever, 

 let's hope the flower that will soon bloom, stays alive forever, 

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question of the chapter, i have decided to do this bc i feel like it :zany_face:
what's ur fav color! mine is mainly sage green but i also rlly like blue and purple :)

i hope you enjoyed this chapter, have a good day/night :))

WRITTEN : JULY 9, 2021

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