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HER EYES WIDENED AS SHE SAW THE PERSON SITTING NEXT TO HER. wilbur.. there was one seat between us. wilbur looked like he was talking to the person next to him.

maybe he came with someone else, who knows. "hey what are you doin- wait is that WILBUR SOO-" luna slapped her hand onto maesie's mouth as fast as she could.

"shut the fuck up maesie!" luna whispered

maesie licked luna's hand and luna quickly wiped her hand on her leg. "go say hi to him, pussy!" maesie exclaimed quietly.

while this was happening, once wilbur heard his name, he quickly whipped his head to see what was going on. "luna?" he tapped her shoulder

"uh- wilbur! hi, funny seeing you here" she laughed awkwardly. "oh, it is you! i didn't know you lived in brighton" he moved in the direction luna was in

"well, i knew you lived in brighton- wait, that sounds so weird and stalker-ish" she laughed "but i didnt expect you to be here."

"yeah me neither" he laughed quietly. "here with a friend?" she asked. "oh, yea! say hi to my friend dave. you here with your friends too?"

she nodded "my friends, maesie and audrey" she pointed towards them. they waved at him, quietly muttering 'hi'

"aren't these the people you always stream with?" he questioned, luna laughed then nodded. the ads stopped, and the movie started playing

"oh well, the movie started. now that i know that you live in brighton, we could hang out irl if we wanted" he said before looking at the cinema screen. "yeah we could if we wanted" luna shrugged then looked at the screen


the movie ended, it was pretty good. audrey, maesie and luna started to walk away

"finally got to meet your boyfriend in real life huh" maesie whispered in luna's ear. audrey that was right behind them was able to hear them and started to laugh.

luna's ears started to get red "hes not my boyfriend" she said sternly. "pshH- sure, like if anyone if gonna believe that lie" maesie taunted playfully.

audrey started to laugh. "shut up maesie, remember who brought you here. i could leave you, right here, right fucking now." luna said a bit mad

"alright alright, i'll stop" maesie smirked slowly. they started to walk out the cinema, the time was about 4:06pm. the movie was pretty long.

they walked to luna's car and they got in. maesie sitting in the passenger seat while audrey was sitting in the back.

luna drove them home, once she got home it was 4:28pm. there was a bit of traffic so it took longer than expected. she parked her car and walked to her flat.

once she got home, she took off her shoes and walked to her kitchen. she opened her fridge and pulled out a leftover spaghetti to heat up.

when it was done heating up, she ate it, obviously like what else would she do with it🙄🤨 while eating she was watching anime (what a weeb😂 🤣 /j) and then she got a notification



wanna hang out tomorrow?

MR SOOTwanna hang out tomorrow?

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hi, i haven't done an a.n the past few chapters so i'm doing one now LOL
i'll tell u what i'm doing today and what i've done :D then after, it's your turn to tell me how your day went.

well today, i woke up did a science test, it was fairly easy but i got stuck in a few questions. my social studies teacher just told us that we have a due project in a few weeks so yeah. today, it's my mom's wedding :D 

that's basically it, have a good day/night :))

WRITTEN : JUNE 12, 2021

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now