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( a.n, hey sorry for another author's note but i just needed to say something. in this chapter, it is november! maybe november 16 or later but just remember that. please and thank you ! )

"I'M GOING BACK TO BRIGHTON!" niki told luna, luna smiled

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"I'M GOING BACK TO BRIGHTON!" niki told luna, luna smiled. "no way, i literally get to niki nihachu AGAIN?!" she exclaimed, niki nodded. "you get to see the amazing me, again"

"when are you coming?" she asked, niki stopped to think. "i think.. next week saturday evening?" luna nodded. "are you gonna stay at my place again?" niki shrugged. "only if you want me to"

"of course i want you to!" niki giggled, "then i guess i can stay at yours." luna heard some talking on the other side of the line before niki spoke again,

"i have to go, i'll probably talk to you later or tomorrow though!" she exclaimed, luna nodded. "talk to you later"

luna had hung up the call, ozzie walked from his bed to luna's bed and laid down next to it. luna looked down at him and laughed, she grabbed him and put him on her bed.

ozzie moved around her bed before he found a comfortable spot to sleep on, he curled into a ball and fell asleep there. she giggled and rubbed his head gently, he purred.

she stopped and went on her phone, scrolling through tiktok. she waited for the days to pass, until she finally could see niki once again.

the day finally came, the day where they finally met up. luna was picking up her up at the airport, she offered wilbur to come but he declined saying he was busy that day.

she drove around the airport, looking for that one familiar blonde. niki stood in platform B6, texting luna and giving her directions as to where she was. luna drove to the place where niki told her, she found her. her eyes lit up in excitment

she waited for a car to leave the side and put her car there, she walked out of her car and approached niki. niki grabbed her luggage and walked over to luna, she gave her a big hug.

"i missed you" luna whispered, niki nodded and pulled away. "let's go now, shall we?" niki smiled.

luna took niki's luggage while niki walked to the passenger seat and sat there, she put her bags in the boot before walking back to the driver seat door and seating down.

she started to drive, they talked all the way to her flat, catching up. luna talked about her relationship with wilbur while niki talked about her crush on one of her friends.

soon after, they arrived to her flat. she parked her car and got out, niki also got out and opened the boot. she was about to grab her luggage before luna stopped her, she grabbed her hand and said, "let me" niki shook her head. 

"you can help me a bit but i'll take some of my stuff too" luna huffed out and nodded. luna grabbed the suitcase and niki grabbed her dufflebag and the cat cage which carried zuko. luna locked her car as they walked towards the elevator and to her front door.

she unlocked the front door and took off her shoes, niki doing the same. niki walked towards the guest bedroom, luna following behind.

niki opened the guest room door and placed zuko down on the ground, as well as the dufflebag. luna rolled the suitcase inside and placed it next to the dufflebag.

"until when are you staying?" she asked, niki shrugged. "if i remember correctly, a few days before new years"

luna smiled, "that means, you'll be spending christmas here!" niki laughed, "yes, and we will be having an amazing time"

luna walked away from the guest room, leaving her to set up her things. she cuddled with ozzie in her bedroom, she heard a knock at her bedroom door. niki's head peaked through the door, she walked inside and held zuko in her arms.

"thought it would be a good idea if they met" niki smiled, luna nodded. niki approached the bed, putting zuko down gently. 

ozzie woke up and walked up to zuko, there was an obvious size difference between the two. they smelled eachother before they started to play with eachother. (a.n, one, that sounds wrong and two, not sure if that's what cats do but let's just imagine)

niki and luna talked while ozzie and zuko played, wilbur said he would come by to say hi to niki the next day.

niki yawned, covering her mouth. "tired?" niki nodded, luna smiled softly at her friend. "you should go to sleep then, moron" she joked. niki grabbed her phone and looked at the time

"alright," she grabbed zuko "goodnight" she walked out of her bedroom, ozzie meowed at luna. she laughed, "it's time for us to go to sleep too" she said to ozzie.

luna walked to her closet and got some pajamas, she walked to her bathroom and changed. she walked out of the bathroom and got into her bedsheets, putting her phone on her bedside table and letting it charge.

she pat ozzie on the head one more time, "goodnight, ozzie." she yawned, closed her eyes and like that, she was asleep.

" she yawned, closed her eyes and like that, she was asleep

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hiii!! thank you all very much for reading this chapter, i very much appreciate it. thank you guys for 5.9k reads!!! thank you, i genuinely didn't expect to make it this far. i love all of you, have a good day/night :)

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now