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"it's so good to finally meet you!" luna said into the hug, they were practically the same size but luna was very slightly taller than niki.

"its really nice to meet you too!!" niki exclaimed, excited to finally meet her friends. she had brought zuko because no one could take care of him. 

"let me help you with zuko" luna offered, pointing to the small cage niki had been carrying. she nodded, "thanks" she said as she gave luna the cage. 

"how was the flight?" luna asked, standing next to niki as they walked. niki did a so-so gesture with her hand, "a baby was crying all the flight, i barely got any sleep." luna rubbed her back with her free hand, "you can get some sleep in the car" she smiled at her friend.

they soon enough got to wilbur and tommy who were also waiting for fundy. wilbur looked in the direction of niki and waved at them, 

niki saw him waving and approached him, he pulled her into a hug while luna just watched next to niki. niki pulled away, "where's my hug" luna said playfully, wilbur laughed and shook his head. "you don't deserve one" 

"where's my hug at woman" tommy said, frowning. "aw here's your hug tommy" niki said giving him a hug.

"is that zuko?" wilbur asked in awe, leaning down and looking inside the cage. "yeah it is!"niki exclaimed.

"cats are cute but dogs are better" tommy said plainly, everyone gasped. wilbur pat his head repeatedly before speaking up."HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SAY THAT TOMMY!" wilbur yelled.

"AA- I'M SORRY! CATS ARE BETTER!" tommy screamed back, "educated tommy" luna patted his head, smiling. "fuck off" he swatted her hand away from his head.

"what are we waiting for now?" niki asked. "we are waiting for fundy! he'll be here soon. he texted me that his flight just landed so he just needs to get his luggage" wilbur exclaimed, looking down at his dad watch. 

"niki! let's go to starbucks!" luna exclaimed, grabbing her wrist and taking her towards the starbucks shop.

"oh- okay sure!" niki catched up to luna, she let go of her wrist and let her walk at whatever speed and distance she wanted to. they stood in line of the starbucks, waiting for their turn to order. 

"uh sorry but are you guys nihachu and luna katz?" a girl about the age of 12-13 stood behind niki in line, luna turned her head to look behind her.

"oh yea! that's us, whats up?" luna said, turning her whole body towards the girl. "could i get a picture with you two? i'm a big fan of both" the girl smiled. 

niki nodded "yea of course!" they stood next to the girl and smiled for the picture, she took a few selfies before turning back to them. 

"thanks so much- oh my god i'm literally shaking"

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now