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( a.n, i forgot what date it is but let's assume it's October at this point. normally, in october it is cold. i would assume, i don't live in a place where it gets cold so i can't really say when it gets cold. for this chapter, it is a hot day! please let's just imagine, it is a hot day and they decided to go to the beach. thank you and enjoy reading <3 )

"WILBUR, LET'S DO SOMETHING FUN!" luna exclaimed, wilbur's head tilted

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"WILBUR, LET'S DO SOMETHING FUN!" luna exclaimed, wilbur's head tilted. "what do you mean by 'something fun'?" luna thought for a bit, when she thought of something.

"what about the beach!"

"the beach? isn't that like a two hour drive?" she shook her head, "it's actually a forty-five minute drive" he laughed. "close enough."

"is that a yes or a no?" she questioned, wilbur sighed. "fine, we have to get our things though. take me to my flat, then you can come pick me up after" luna nodded and grabbed her car keys. 

she walked to the front door and waited for wilbur to gather his things, he approached her and put on his shoes. luna doing the same, he opened the door let her go first. "ladies first" he teased, luna sighed and walked out the door.

he walked out after him, they walked to the elevator and went to luna's car. he sat in the passenger seat, while luna drove.

after about 8 minutes of driving, they arrived to his flat. she stopped and unlocked the doors for him to get out, "i'll come pick you up after" she said, wilbur nodded and waved goodbye to her. 

she drove away after she saw him go to his flat, she drove back to her flat and went to get her things ready.

she changed into her bathing suit and grabbed a backpack to fit all her things, which mostly consisted of her towel and a bottle of water. yeah, that's it. absolutely nothing else.

she wore shorts and a shirt over her bathing suit, which she already had on. she got a text from wilbur saying that she can come pick him up, she grabbed her car keys once again and put all her things in her backpack.

she put on her sandals and walked out of her flat, walking to her car. she unlocked her car and sat inside of it. she turned it on and started to drive. 

again, it took her about 8 minutes until she arrived there. he was already waiting there, he saw her car and walked over to it. she unlocked the doors for him and let him sit in the passenger seat.

"hi" he said, luna smiled. "hi"

she locked the doors and started to drive once again, wilbur put some music (cough cough, his music, cough cough) they talked while she drove.

they soon arrived to the beach club (?) and luna looked for somewhere to park, she groaned as she drove around in laps, trying to find a parking spot.

after driving, she finally found a spot and quickly parked in it. luna grabbed her bag from the backseat and looked at wilbur. "ready?" he nodded, she stopped the car and walked out of her car, wilbur doing the same. 

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now