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TODAY WAS THE DAY OF THE DATE WITH WILBUR, and she was scared but excited at the same time?

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TODAY WAS THE DAY OF THE DATE WITH WILBUR, and she was scared but excited at the same time?

luna was currently getting ready, looking through her wardrobe and trying to find something that looks decent. 

she decided on wearing something a bit more on the comfort side, comfort over looks. 

she wore some oversized jeans and a black long-sleeved sweater, necklaces hung from her neck. she grabbed some silver rings and put them on her fingers, scattered between the both of her hands. 

she looked in the mirror one more time before walking out of her bedroom and going to the front door and putting her black converse.

she put them on and made sure she had everything she needed before opening the front door and walking out, locking it in the process. 

she went in the elevator and went to the parking lot, walked to her car and unlocked it for her to be able to get inside.

she turned on the engine and drove to the location wilbur had told her to go to. she arrived and parked, he sent her to what seemed like a picnic area where many people went to eat. 

she saw wilbur in the distance, she locked her car and ran over to him. wilbur saw her running over to him and he started to walk over to her. 

wilbur pulled her into a hug when she approached him, "hi," he said. luna hugged back, they pulled away and wilbur grabbed her hand and started to pull her somewhere away from everyone.

"please don't tell me your gonna murder me." luna joked, wilbur chuckled. "of course not! i'm not that mean." he said, making her laugh. 

he led her away and to a secluded area where there was a small pond with ducks in it, "awe! the ducks are so cute!" Luna exclaimed happily, wilbur nodded. "We can feed them bread after, if you want."

Luna nodded her head, "of course!"

next to the pond was a picnic blanket placed on the grass and two containers of food on it, "i got sushi for us, i hope you like it."

wilbur sat down on the blanket, luna did the same. wilbur gave her one of the two containers (?) of sushi and gave her chopsticks with it.

luna thanked him before opening the container and started to eat, wilbur also started to eat. "You look very pretty." wilbur told her, luna blushed slightly and muttered a quiet 'thank you'

"Thank you so much wilbur, for bringing me here!" Luna exclaimed as she laid down on the grass with him, "no problem, but maybe you can give me a kiss as a thank you." Wilbur smirked, luna shoved his shoulder playfully,

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now