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"DO YOU WANT TO MEET MY FAMILY?" wilbur asked, making her eyes widen

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"DO YOU WANT TO MEET MY FAMILY?" wilbur asked, making her eyes widen. "..pardon?" she stuttered out, wilbur laughed. "i think you heard me right, i want you to meet my family" he intertwined his hands with hers.

she looked at him and nodded, "alright, don't see why not"

luna was looking for something to wear, she didn't really know what to wear

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luna was looking for something to wear, she didn't really know what to wear. she scanned through her closet and quickly picked something. she decided on a black long-sleeved turtle neck and jeans. 

she put it on and did her normal makeup, wilbur told her that he was already at his parents house and said that she can drive there. 

she left her hair as it is, she looked once again in the mirror before she walked out of her bedroom and put on her shoes. she walked out of her flat and to her car, she started to drive and took the directions wilbur gave her.

she soon arrived to their home, she stopped her car and inhaled. she grabbed her purse and walked out of her car, she stood in front of the door.

she brought her hand up to ring the bell, she rang it twice before she heard footsteps approaching the door. the door opened revealing a middle aged woman, she looked quite similar to wilbur.

the woman spoke up, "hello! you must be luna right?" she asked politely, luna nodded. "i am, you're-?" luna was cut off by wilbur walking to the door.

"lulu! i didn't know you were here," he laughed, luna shrugged. "well, i am" she smiled, him and his mom moved out of the way and let luna walk in.

she admired their home, "woah.. you have a very nice home" his mom laughed. "yes, thank you" they guided her into their living room and sat her down, she sat down next to her.

"i believe i haven't introduced myself yet, i'm maria. wilbur's mother, pleasure to meet you" she smiled, luna smiled back at her. "nice to meet you, i'm glad i was able to come here"

wilbur walked towards them, "mum, the pasta is ready." maria stood up from the couch and looked down at luna, "let's go eat, shall we?"

luna stood up from the couch and followed them to the dining table where everything was set up to eat, "looks delicious" luna mentioned as she sat down.

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now