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LUNA LAID ON HER BED, WILBUR LAYING BESIDE HER. they were bored out of their minds, they honestly didn't know what to do.

luna shuffled around the bed, trying to get into a comfortable position. wilbur was on his phone, doing something.

she stopped moving and looked at the clock on her side table. 1:39am, she groaned and turned to look at wilbur.

she tapped on his shoulder, "wilbur.." she whispered. she got closer to get a better look on him, he was fast asleep.

she sweared under her breath and continued to bother his sleep. "wilbur.. i wanna do something" wilbur mumbled something under his breath and turned to luna.

he gently rubbed his eyes, he closed his eyes again. luna sighed and stood up from her bed, she looked at her PC and sat on her chair.

a little streaming can't hurt, she thought. she was planning on making a new world on minecraft, of course. the only thing she streamed.

she looked back to her bed, stared at him and looked back at her monitor. she got ready to stream, opening everything she needed.

she was planning on not doing a face cam stream, since her desk is right in front of her bed. she looked at the clock on her desk and double-checked everything she needed to stream.

once she was ready to stream, she started the stream.

LunaCats is live!
late chill stream, might answer some questions :)

"alright, is this working?" she fixed her headphones, trying not to be very loud. she looked at her second monitor, looking at the chat.

it mostly consisted of people saying ' hi ' and asking if her and wilbur were dating and other non-important things.

"alright, i'm assuming it is. hello everyone!" she exclaimed quietly, she took another glance at chat before she spoke again.

"nothing out of the ordinary today, i'll be starting a new minecraft world out of boredom" she laughed quietly, she broadcasted minecraft and created a new world.

changing a few of the settings and other things, the last thing left was the name. "chat, i will need your help on this one"

her hands on her keyboard, not knowing what to name it. she looked at her second monitor, looking to see if chat had a good one.

but an idea came in her head, "nevermind chat! don't need you" she joked, she typed the name she thought about and finished creating her world.

the world was 'Nick Wilde roleplay'

the world was 'Nick Wilde roleplay'

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𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now