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fucked a fish

what do you need help with?

fucked a fish

gremlin child


"HELP!" wilbur yelled as tommy, philza and techno joined the call. "what do you need help with specifically?" philza asked, "FEELINGS" wilbur said yelling, philza laughed. "feelings? what do you mean?" tommy questioned

"so- i have feelings for someone-" tommy cut in, "I BET YOU FIVE POUNDS IT'S LUNA!" tommy yelled, making everyone laugh except wilbur. "SHUT UP TOMMY, I'M TRYING TO EXPLAIN HERE!" wilbur yelled back at him

"SO! i want to ask out this girl but i don't have balls to actually do it" wilbur explained, making phil laugh. "DON'T LAUGH AT ME PHIL!" wilbur exclaimed, phil apologised. "just do it! be a big man and just ask her!" tommy exclaimed, wilbur shook his head even though no one could see it.

"how do i ask her though?" wilbur questioned, "just tell her like 'hey, go out with me'" techno said sarcastically, making everyone laugh again. 

wilbur thought about it for a bit and decided to grow some balls and do it. it was in the spur of the moment! it was now or never and right now was the time.

"alright, thanks techno! i'll go ask her now!" wilbur exclaimed, he didn't even fully pay attention to what he said but he decided to do it. everyone started yelling at him, telling him not to do that but of course, he didn't listen. he left the call and was already on his way to her flat.

he looked out the window and saw that it was raining a bit, he grabbed a sweater from his closet and put it on. he put on his shoes before running out the door and locking it, he also decided to go down the stairs instead of just going down the elevator but whatever. 

when he got outside, he felt the water fall of his face but nothing was stopping him now, it was now or never. he continued to ran, a bit slower to not slip on the wet and slippery sidewalk. 

as he continued to run, the rain got stronger. he was out of breath and decided to stop at nearby seven-eleven close to luna's flat. the door opened automatically and he walked inside and grabbed a water. 

he approached the cashier, putting the water bottle on the counter. while the cashier scanned his water, he had taken off his hoodie since it was soaking wet. he wrapped the hoodies' sleeves around his hips and put a 5 pound note on the counter and grabbed the water bottle back.

he twisted the cap off the bottle and took a few sips from it, he took out his phone and saw all the messages his friends had sent him before he put his phone back in his pocket and he walked out of the seven-eleven.  

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now