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"I'M SO BORED" luna whined, laying her head on maesie's shoulder

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"I'M SO BORED" luna whined, laying her head on maesie's shoulder. they were at luna's flat and in her living room.

"you're the home owner here, what can we do?" maesie looked at her, luna thought for a bit and she came up with the perfect idea

"how about a picnic!" luna exclaimed, she looked at everyone. "sure! i don't mind, if that's okay with everyone else" niki said, everyone nodded their head.

"let's go get ready then!" audrey exclaimed, luna looked at them, confused. 

"uh what do you mean? you guys don't have clothes here" luna wondered, "that's right! we don't have clothes here, so we will use yours and niki's!" audrey exclaimed, doing jazz hands

"no- you're not using her clothing. you all look just fine" estelle said, audrey started to whine. "whYYY, luna has really pretty clothes!"

"well, i would let you use my clothes if you actually gave them back" luna chimed in, audrey just flipped her off. luna stood up from the living room and walked inside her bedroom,

luna walked to her wardrobe and picked out some clothes. she decided on a black shirt, it was a bit cropped but not too much. she wore khaki coloured pants that went above the heels, for her shoes she decided to wear black converse.

she walked to her bathroom to put on her usual makeup, eyeliner, blush, mascara etc. she walked out of her room and sat down on the couch. 

"is niki ready?" luna asked, maesie shook her head. "she said shes having problems deciding what to wear" estelle replied, luna stood up from the couch and walked infront of the guest bedroom.

she knocked on the door, "need help in there?" she asked, niki opened the door and pulled the girl inside. "okay, so i don't know what i should wear" niki said, luna looked at her clothes and picked out something for her

she took a black long-sleeved turtle neck and some jeans. niki looked at the clothes luna picked and grabbed them. "thank you!" she exclaimed walking into the guest bathroom, luna laughed and walked out of the room

luna walked to her kitchen and got things ready for the picnic. "hey stell, can we get cake on the way to the picnic?" luna asked, "oo! yes! cake!!" audrey said

"fine, we can get cake but you're driving" estelle reasoned, "fine fine" luna agreed. "luna, are you gonna invite your boyfriend?" maesie teased

"i have no idea what you are talking about" luna said, walking to the living room, "you know exactly what i'm talking about" maesie smirked.

"fuck off, if you want me to invite him, i'll invite him" luna said, "go ahead and invite him then" audrey said.

luna got her phone and messaged him, asking him if he wanted to come. he agreed, saying that he was going to get ready.

after a bit, niki walked out of the guest room and into the living room. "you guys ready?" estelle asked, everyone nodded. 

luna went into the kitchen and grabbed the kitchen basket, which had food and a blanket inside. they walked to the entrance of luna's flat and put on their shoes since she doesn't like shoes in the house.

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now