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WAS LUNA KATZ PLANNING TO STAY UP UNTIL 12 PLAYING MINECRAFT ON NEW YEARS? yes, yes she was and absolutely no one was going to stop her

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WAS LUNA KATZ PLANNING TO STAY UP UNTIL 12 PLAYING MINECRAFT ON NEW YEARS? yes, yes she was and absolutely no one was going to stop her. UNTIL, wilbur came over to her flat.

she walked over to her front door when she heard knocking, she looked out the peep hole and saw the face of our beloved wilbur soot.

she opened the door, "hi" he said, luna's face spoke for itself and it said confusion. "uh- what are you doing here?" she asked, wilbur laughed. 

"it's new years eve, decided to come over" luna smiled, "well, alright" she moved out of the way and let wilbur inside. he took off his shoes and followed luna to her room.

her PC was turned on and was on minecraft, she was currently building XP farm. "minecraft?" he asked, almost laughing. luna sat down and put on her headphone, leaving one of the earphones behind her ear.

"shut up, i wasn't planning to do anything so minecraft sounded like a good idea." she explained, wilbur turned off her PC, making her look at him.

"hey! why would you do that?!" she exclaimed, wilbur laughed. "let's do something fun" he said, making luna's head tilt.

"...and what do you mean by that?"

wilbur shook his head in a joking way and grabbed her hand, "you'll just have to wait and see, darling" he dragged her out of the chair.

"get your shoes on, we're going to somewhere" he said as he walked into her bathroom, luna walked to the front door and put on her shoes. nothing too special, just some hot crocs. 

not long after, wilbur walked out of her room and walked next to luna, putting on his shoes. he grabbed the car keys from the key hanger thing (?) and opened the door, luna grabbed the house key and walked out as well, closing and locking it in the process.

wilbur was already waiting in the elevator for her, she quicked up her pace and ran inside of the elevator.

they arrived to the parking floor and walked to her car, wilbur driving and luna in the passenger seat. he unlocked the doors and sat inside, he started the car and waited for her.

she was very confused with his eagerness to go this surprise place, she sat in the passenger seat and put on her seatbelt.

"be ready" he said, grinning. luna started to get worried, "you're scaring me" wilbur laughed, he started to drive out of the parking and to the main roads.

"there's nothing to be worried about" he said as put his hand on her thigh, she put her hand on top of his and interlocked hands.

she took her phone in her free hand and looked at the time, 8:39. luna was very nervous to say the least, she extremely hated surprises for the reasoning that she hated waiting.

her leg started to bounce, wilbur noticed and soothed her by rubbing her thigh. "don't be nervous, i promise i won't do anything bad" he shot a smile at her, she calmed down a bit and looked outside the window.

they were no longer on a main road but were passing by where you could see the beautiful moon, nothing interrupting its path. maybe a few trees around it but nothing could ruin the view. "woah.." luna breathed out, he shot a glance at her. 

"the moon is beautiful, isn't it?" luna nodded, "extremely"

they stayed in silence, listening to soft music in the background. luna drowning herself in her inescapable thoughts, she continued to stare the moon's beauty. wilbur parked in a parking lot where the moon was the most beautiful and shining as ever.

he stopped the car and got out, he walked to the backseat and opened the doors, pulling out a blanket luna had put there before, it pulled luna out of her thoughts. she also walked out of the car and followed wilbur.

he had put the blanket where the moon glowed directly at, it was a clear night, a few clouds scattered around the night sky. he laid down on the blanket, admiring the stars. luna laid down next to him, admiring the sky with him, taking small glances at her significant other.

"i'm grateful to have you here" she said, breaking the silence. wilbur looked at her, "what do you mean by that?"

she got closer to him, laying her head on his chest. his arm wrapping around her waist, pulling her closer to him. luna hid her face in the crook of wilbur's neck.

"i love you, a not normal amount. you have done so much for me and i honestly don't know how to repay you, if i wasn't happy before, i'm definitely happy now. you, mr. wilbur soot is my happiness and with all my other friends, i couldn't be happier."

wilbur smiled at her statement, "i could say the same to you, you bring me so much joy. some joy that i've never had or experienced you have taught me so many things and have taken me to a new whole fucking level of happiness! the day i started to date you, i couldn't sleep. the only thing on my mind was.. you. you made me find my self-worth and i am so grateful for that, i wish you had been in my life sooner."

they stayed in silence, a silence that brought them some kind of comfort and warmth. they were just enjoying eachothers company, until luna spoke up.

"wilbur, do you remember our first date?" she asked, wilbur nodded. "of course, why do you ask?"

"can you kiss me like it's the first time?" 

"can you kiss me like it's the first time?" 

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aanddd this is the end of this story :)

thank you guys so much for all the reads and comments and votes, i had so much fun writing this story. 

now that this story is finished (you can go read my other story, in your dms)

again, thank you guys for reading this story. i will probably do a bonus chapter at some point but i don't know. i hope you guys enjoyed reading this story, have a good day/night <3

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄, wilbur.Where stories live. Discover now