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It’s a sin with a name 

Like a hand in a flame 

And our senses proclaim 

It’s a dangerous game 

(“Dangerous Game,” Jekyll and Hyde)

Chapter 15: Rumpelstiltskin

            Robin held my hand as we hurried down the steps to the dungeons. I had insisted on coming, wanting to hear what the imp had to say. He knew better than to argue with me as it would only waste time. Little John was staying in our room to keep an eye on Roland, who slept through our conversation. 

            The guard nodded to Robin as we hit the landing. He opened the door and Robin guided me through first. Before we came to the cell where the Dark One was being kept, he stopped me. “I want you to stay out of sight,” he said. 

            I frowned. “Why? He can’t see me. Right?” 

            “Most likely not. But the Dark One has powerful magic. If anyone is going to see through this spell, I would think it would be him.” Robin cupped my cheek. “Please, just stay out of sight.” 

            “Fine. I think the corner over there should do.” I motioned toward my chosen hiding spot. Robin nodded and stepped into the dungeons. I hid in the corner I indicated, a space that gave me a view of the proceedings but I didn’t have a good view of the Dark One. He then shouldn’t have a good view of me if he could see past the spell. 

            From what I could tell, the Dark One sat in a cell. Charming stood in front of it with Snow while Robin leaned against the far wall with Red and Granny. Grumpy stood closest to me, watching everything with his arms crossed. 

            “Tell us what you are doing here,” Charming demanded. “Did the Queen send you?” 

            The Dark One chuckled. “Do you think the Queen sent me?” 

            “Are we to be subjected to riddles all night?” Robin asked, his voice hard. 

            “No.” Charming approached the cell, glaring at its occupant. “You will answer our questions. Got it?” 

            “And why should I?” 

            I wanted to slap him so I could only imagine how the others felt. Watching Robin, I saw his jaw clench and knew he wanted to turn the Dark One into a pincushion. Snow would probably help as Charming handed them each more arrows. 

            Charming, to his credit, stayed calm. “You’re not in a place to bargain or play games, Dark One. So tell us—why are you here?” 

            “There are many reasons I could be here.” The Dark One stood and started pacing in his cell. “You think the Queen sent me. She didn’t. So why did I come on my own?” 

            “We’re asking the questions, imp,” Robin shot back. “So answer the prince’s.” 

            The Dark One smiled. “Fine. I’m looking for Regina.” 

            My heart sank into my stomach. Why did he want me? I closed my eyes, realizing the answer was two-fold: he had detected my magic and knew I was from the Land Without Magic. That last fact had made him crazed, desperate even. Was that the reason why he had come to the palace? 

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