Robin and the Rebels

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Is this home?  

Am I here for a day or forever? 

…As my life has been altered once  

It can change again

(“Home,” Beauty and the Beast the Musical

Chapter 5: Robin and the Rebels

             Consciousness returned to me as I rested on something soft. It definitely wasn’t the cold hard ground I had been forced to sleep on the past two nights. When I rolled over, I felt a warm blanket move with my body. Even without opening my eyes, I could tell I was no longer wearing my clothes. Someone had changed me into a light nightgown. 

            I opened my eyes to find I was in a simple room. Besides the bed, there was a wooden table and two chairs. A trunk rested at the foot of the bed. Some rays of sunlight shone past the curtain drawn over the one window of the room. When I rolled over, there was a fireplace in the room as well. A fire crackled there. It seemed homey. 

            The door opened and an older woman entered, carrying a tray. Her gray hair was piled in a bun on top of her head. She a simple brown dress with a white apron tied over it. Silver glasses were perched on her nose. For a moment, she reminded me of Mrs. Claus. And after the past days, I wouldn’t have been surprised if she was. 

            “Good morning! How are you feeling?” The woman set the tray down on the table. 

            I sat up. “Much better now that I’ve slept in an actual bed. Thank you.” 

            “You’re welcome. Now, Robin tells me that your name is Regina. Is that correct?” At my nod, she smiled. “Well, that’s a pretty name. You can call me Granny. Everyone else around here does.” 

            “Where am I?” I asked. 

            Granny paused for a moment before answering. “It’s best if I don’t tell you a place. I can assure you that you are safe and no one around here would ever dream of pawing you like an animal unlike that awful Sheriff.” 

            My shoulders sagged in relief. “Thank goodness. I don’t think I could’ve spent another day with him.” 

            “Understandable.” Granny finished setting up the table and turned to me. “Now, my dear, you have a choice. Breakfast or bath first?” 

            I debated it. My stomach rumbled, begging for the food. But I felt every inch of grime covering my body. I felt stiff from the dirt and dried sweat. “Bath. Definitely the bath.” 

            “Good choice. It’s in the next room. Follow me.” 

            I stood, my legs a little wobbly at first. They grew stronger with each step as I crossed the room. Granny led me to a big brass tub sitting in the middle of another room. Water was already in it and I could see some steam rising from it. It looked so good. 

            Granny helped me out of the nightgown and into the bathtub. I sank into the heated water with a contented sigh as Granny ran a hand through my hair. “Not much to wash. That should be the easy part. I’ll let you soak for a bit before we start on the washing.” 

            I closed my eyes, letting the dirt dissolve and the warmth soothe my sore muscles. “I think it’s time for my hair,” I said. 

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