Regina's Choice

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But I am ready to do what is right

The time has come for you to take flight

And though our parting now will cause me to grieve

I am ready I know that you must leave

("Farewell (I Am Ready Reprise)," Outlander the Musical)

Chapter 26: Regina's Choice

The bed was shaking. I cracked open an eye to find Roland jumping between Robin and me. He smiled as he did so.

"Roland, why are you jumping on the bed?" I asked.

"It's time for the picnic!"

I frowned. "What picnic?"

"Roland!" Robin grabbed his son, holding the squirming boy. "That was supposed to be a surprise for later!"

"Oops." Roland giggled and I doubted he was sorry. He had been looking forward to a picnic for far too long.

I sat up, smiling. "A picnic? What's the occasion?"

"It's a picnic," Roland said, as if the answer was obvious. I guess in some ways, it was.

Taking him from his father's arms, I held him close. "Well, I guess we should go get everything ready. Starting with you getting dressed."

Roland hopped down off the bed, running toward his room. My smile fell as I turned to Robin. "This is my goodbye picnic, isn't it?"

"I guess you could call it that." Robin voice was soft and he didn't meet my eyes. I knew there would only be sadness there and wondered if mine reflected it.

I slid out of bed. "I guess we should get ready too. Roland is a boy on a mission."

Robin nodded, following my lead. For the first time in months, he went behind the screen to change. I bit my lip and tried not to cry as I pulled on my own dress. As I stood there, I worried he wouldn't tie my laces and I'd have to use my magic.

But I felt his hands on my back, tightening my dress. I had chosen a bright blue dress, one that matched his eyes. He smiled, leaning forward to whisper: "You look beautiful, milady."

"Thank you. I have two very special men to impress."

"You always impress us," he replied. His hands remained on my hips as if afraid to stray further around my waist.

I turned in his arms, resting my hands on them. "Robin, please don't..."

"Mama? Papa? I'm ready!" Roland yelled from the parlor. I imagined he was standing by the door, hopping from foot to foot.

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