Three Little Words

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To some secret place to find
Watching in slow motion
As you turn to me and say
My love

(“Take My Breath Away,” Berlin) 

Chapter 20: Three Little Words 

            Robin escorted me back to the palace in silence. As we rode on, a pit formed in my stomach and I felt nauseous. I wasn’t certain if it was the look still in Robin’s eyes or the fact that I had been caught breaking my promise to him. I cursed the fact I had made that promise knowing I had no intention of keeping it. 

            Snow greeted us as we entered the courtyard. She grew confused as she saw me riding next to Robin. “Regina? What are you doing out here? I thought you were still sick in bed.” 

            “Your Highness!” Little John’s voice boomed from within the castle before he raced into the courtyard. “Sound the alarm. I went to check on Regina and she’s not there. Her bed is cold as well. She’s…” 

            Little John’s alarm died down as he spied me on top of a horse next to Robin. He tilted his head before approaching Robin. There, he hung his head. “I apologize, Robin. I let you down.” 

            “No, not at all, Little John.” Robin glared at me. “This is all Regina’s doing. Not yours.” 

            I stared down at the floor, unable to meet anyone’s eyes. I felt horrible that Little John thought he had failed Robin, that I had been snatched during his watch. As I sat there, I vowed to apologize to Little John later. 

            “I don’t understand. Where did you go, Regina?” Snow stood next to my horse, looking up at me. “Why didn’t you tell anyone you were leaving?” 

            “She went to the Dark One’s manor, against my wishes. That’s why she snuck out,” Robin answered for me. 

            He dismounted and handed his horse off to the stable hands. I did the same, clutching my bag close to my chest. Snow looked at it. “What did you take from the Dark One?” she asked. 

            “It’s a book. About magic. I think it might help us figure out what the Queen is planning and how to stop her.” I refused to look at Robin. “It had been theorized that the book was at the Dark One’s. I guess he stole it.” 

            Snow looked excited. “Did you find anything about the curse in it?” 

            “I didn’t get a chance to read it. I wanted to get out of there and back here,” I said. 

            Though she looked disappointed, Snow nodded in understanding. She then gasped as she grasped at my right sleeve. “Regina, what happened here?” 

            I glanced down, noticing the burn marks and the little holes in the fabric. “Oh. I had a close encounter with a fireball.” 

            Robin tensed beside me and he leaned down to whisper in my ear. “I warned you about the traps. That’s why I didn’t want you anywhere near there.” 

            “I escaped it.” Just barely, but he didn’t have to know that. Not when he was already so cross with me. I turned to face him, frowning. “Why are you back so early? And where’s Charming?” 

            Snow frowned. “Yes, Robin. What’s going on?” 

            He shot me a look, which told me that I hadn’t successfully gotten him off the subject of my trip to the Dark One’s manor. But he focused on Snow. “If you come with me, I’ll explain everything. Little John, can you make certain Regina returns to our rooms and doesn’t sneak out again?” 

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