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Keeping secrets safe

Every move we make

Will we ever have our happy ending?

Or will we forever only be pretending? 

(“Pretending,” Glee)

Chapter 11: Pretending 

       I was back in the Winter Palace, in Zelena’s parlor. Zelena herself, as well as her wicked mother, were nowhere to be seen. I moved about, trying to find the door to the secret prison. Perhaps I could save Belle from this awful place. 

      As I studied the wall, I heard a cough behind me. My heart sped up as I turned around. No one was there, but the coughing continued. I searched for it and my heart stopped as my blood ran cold.  

      Daniel lay on the floor, his face ashen. He was struggling for air and clutching his chest. I knelt next to him, grabbing his hand. “What’s wrong? Daniel, where does it hurt?” 

      He groaned in response. There was no blood, no visible injuries. So what was wrong with him?  

     “It’s his heart, dear.” The voice froze me—Mother.  

      I turned around to find Mother standing behind me. No, it wasn’t Mother. This woman was wearing a long black satin gown that grew wider in the skirts. It wasn’t something my mother would wear. No, this was Cora, Zelena’s mother. And in her hands was a glowing red heart.  

      Daniel’s heart.  

      “Give it back,” I pleaded. “Give me his heart.” 

      Cora tsked. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. Would you care to tell her why, daughter?”  

     “Yes, Mother.” Zelena emerged from the shadows. “I told you, Regina, that there would be consequences. And your husband is paying for you.” 

     “No. Leave him alone. It’s me you want.”  

     Zelena’s smile was terrifying. “I like the pleading. Keep going. It won’t help, but it’ll make this more pleasurable.”  

     I clutched Cora’s skirts, begging her to give me my husband’s heart. She smiled and squeezed it until it became dust in her hand. Behind me, Daniel gasped. I crawled over to his body. He was still and his blue eyes stared up at the ceiling. I knew he was dead.  

      Lying my head on his chest, I sobbed while Cora and Zelena laughed in delight. I felt Zelena crouching behind me. “Too bad about your husband. At least you have that dashing rogue as back up.”  

     What did she mean? I lifted my head and through tear-filled eyes I saw Robin lying a few feet away from Daniel. His limbs were akimbo and his face was turned toward me. I saw the same nothingness in his blue eyes that I saw in Daniel’s. Robin was dead as well.  

      “Oh, wait,” Zelena said. “You don’t.”  

            I sat up, panting as Zelena’s awful laughter echoed in my head. My returned heart beat against my chest as if trying to escape again. As my eyes darted about the room, I took in my surroundings. Four poster bed, trunk, white wardrobe, vanity…I was in my room in Snow’s palace. I was far away from Zelena and her mother. So was Daniel, safe in another world. Though I longed to see him just to assure myself of that. 

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