The Dark One's Prophecy

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You're not alone

Together we stand

I'll be by your side

You know I'll take your hand

("Keep Holding On," Avril Lavigne)

Chapter 24: The Dark One's Prophecy

            Pale beams of early morning sunlight started to enter our rooms as I awoke. All was quiet so I guessed the roosters had yet to crow. So why was I awake? I scrunched up my nose, trying to figure it out.

            "No. Leave her alone, don't touch her!" Robin's voice grew louder next to me as I felt him squirm under our blankets.

            I sat up, looking over at him. His eyes were squeezed shut and a sheen of sweat covered his face. A nightmare, I realized as I shook him. "Robin? Robin, wake up!"

            He bolted up, panting as his blue eyes tried to focus. Once he realized he was in our room and that I was beside him, he seemed to calm down. Robin pulled me close to him, kissing my hair. "The Dark One had you. He was taunting me and threatening to take you to the Queen."

            "I'm fine. It was just a dream." I pulled him toward me, letting his head rest on my breast as I laid back down. "We're just worried about this plan."

            "What if it's a premonition? That this will go wrong?"

            "Have you had premonitions before?"


            "Then it's probably not." I kissed the top of his head. "Why don't you close your eyes and try to go back to sleep? I promise I'll stay right here until you wake again."

            He wrapped an arm around my waist and I stroked his hair until I felt his breathing even out. I hadn't told Robin yet that my own nightmares had come back with a vengeance. He was the star of every one of them—not even Daniel made an appearance. I dreaded that one day Roland's little body would torment me as well. This plan had to go well—our good nights depended on it.

            A select group of Merry Men, soldiers and servants had been sent out into several towns to spread rumors that I was getting serious in my magic training and I was looking for the Dark One to help me with it. The towns were selected at random, to disguise where I really was. Our hope was that the Dark One would send a message through a member of our group but the danger of him trying to contact me directly still existed. It was what bothered Robin and me the most about the plan.

            Robin shifted in my arms, resting his ear right over my heart. It was still there, I wanted to assure him. No one had taken it. But he was asleep; I didn't want to wake him yet. So I brought my other hand up to caress his cheek until I fell back asleep as well.

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