The Palace

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We seize the day 

We turn the tide 

We touch the stars 

Fortune favors the brave 

(“Fortune Favors the Brave” from Aida)

Chapter 7: The Palace

             The compound buzzed with activity for a week after my first successful healing potion ever. I tried to stay out of the way as everyone prepared for whatever their mission was. Judging from the supplies being gathered, I knew it was some kind of battle. Robin and his men were often busy sharpening their weapons and I saw Charming fighting the air with his sword by my makeshift lab a few times.

            I split my time between the lab and the kitchens. Those going on the mission needed food and medical supplies. Our days were long but they were productive. More and more, I was starting to feel like a member of this little community. And I believed I was being seen as less of an outsider with each passing day. 

            The first time I found myself with some own time, I grabbed my bow and arrows for some practice. If my hunch about a battle was right, I wanted to make sure my skills kept improving. As I walked down to the target area, I heard the dull thud of arrows hitting the targets. Was Robin down there? I sped up, hoping so as I hadn’t seen him much since the day in my lab. That was a week ago and I found myself missing him. 

            It wasn’t Robin’s tall, broad physique that greeted me. The archer was smaller, lithe and very much female. Her dark brown hair was braided and she wore tan breeches under a tan tunic. After a few seconds, I realized I was watching Snow White. She released arrow and arrow with the same skill and precision as Robin. This was a far cry from the helpless girl I remembered from the Disney movie. 

            I slipped a bit on the slope of the hill, my boot heel landing on a twig. The crack reverberated through the trees. When I glanced up, an arrow was pointed in my direction. 

            “Regina!” Snow lowered her weapon. “You startled me.” 

            “Sorry. I had wanted to get some practice in but I can go if you want to be alone.” 

            She shook her head. “The target area is open to everyone. I’d love the company.” 

            I climbed down the rest of the way and choose my target. Snow watched as I notched my arrow, took a calming breath and released. The arrow didn’t hit the bull’s-eye but it landed in an inner ring. Not bad. 

            “Robin’s right. You do have a skill for archery.” Snow sounded impressed. 

            I shrugged. “Did he tell you about my abysmal skills with a sword?” 

            She laughed. “Don’t worry. You’ll improve.” 

            “Doubt it,” I muttered. I let another arrow fly toward the target—outer ring. “Shit.” 

            “They can’t all hit the center all the time. See?” Snow released her own arrow, which hit dead center. She let out a sheepish “Oh.” 

            I shook my head. “And that’s why I came down here to practice.” 

            “Good attitude. You’ll be as good as Robin and me soon enough with it.” She winked at me before focusing on her own target. 

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